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How to Name Your Blog: 2021 Blog Naming Tips

Naming your blog can be stressful – after all, you want it to perfectly reflect your brand and do your content justice. On this page, we’ve got a few tips to help you name your blog. If you haven’t yet created your perfect blog, reach out to WebFX to learn more about our blogging services!

Tips to help you name your blog

Below, we’ll go over some dos and don’ts of choosing a blog name.

Your blog name should be

  • Relevant: The title of your blog should be relevant to the content you offer.
  • Concise: If your URL is extremely bulky, it will be difficult to share posts, and it will not be user-friendly.
  • Original: Make it your own. The perfect blog name will be unique to you and your blog.

Your blog name should not be…

  • Taken: Your URL is technically an address, and you can’t live in the same place as another website. Be sure to choose a blog name that isn’t already taken. Test to check your domain name’s availability here:
  • Trending: Trending topics are great and interesting, but trends come to an end, and your blog is a long-term investment.
  • Confusing: You want your readers to get what they expect every time they open your blog. That said, your blog title should give users an idea of what they’ll be reading when they visit.

Steps to name your blog

There are a variety of ways to successfully name your blog. Below are the steps in creating a blog name that is relevant and your own original concept, while also being concise and relevant.

Find inspiration

Use your mission, interests, and beliefs to find inspiration for your blog’s name. Start by creating a list of words that relate to your blog, or phrases that describe your blog’s mission.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to generate some inspiration:

  • Why are you creating the blog?
  • What kinds of topics will your blogs cover?
  • Are there any puns that you could incorporate?
  • Do you want to use your name in your blog’s title?
  • What is your location?

These are just a few brainstorming questions to help you determine what words you will use to shape the title of your blog.

Create variants

Now that you have a core list of terms and inspiration, it is time to grow it. Go through a thesaurus and find even more words.

Look to other languages

Look at other languages for inspiration. Maybe “potato” sounds way cooler in French.

It is “pomme de terre” for those of you that were curious. A great place to look is the Greek root words of topics revolving around your blog. Greek words have a tendency to sound elegant while also indicating their English meaning.

Look to slang words

Slang words sometimes sound like a different language.

If you are writing for the Philadelphia area, put “Jawn” in your title. If you are writing for California, you can always use the word “bail” or “bombie”. Some slang words grow and spread, but it is important to not restrict your blog’s reach with slang words.

If you are writing primarily for a specific location but don’t want to confuse other readers, simply put an explanation on your about page.

Consider homophones and alliterations

Another way to create variants is through homophones. You are a writer who writes, right? Say that five times fast.

I wouldn’t recommend a blogger who writes about diamonds to call their blog the “Cut of the Carrot”, but it may work. Alliteration can also help a blog’s name roll off the tongue. When I created my first blog, I called it “Word Wing” and made the tagline, “where words fly off the page”.

It is playful and fun, which matched the blog’s style and appearance. That blog was also a personal experiment where I was truly “winging it” to learn about my ability to write. Be creative with this and remember that you do not have to spell your title correctly and can always abbreviate.

Variant titles are extremely fun to play with and if it has a story behind it, readers will be enthralled when you divulge the secret origins of the title.

Go through the list of variants and eliminate

You have come up with all the relevant words and variants, now it is time to remove the irrelevant words or words you don’t like. Get rid of titles that don’t roll off your tongue, don’t make sense in the context of your blog, or ones that you never liked in the first place. Continue to create variations as you eliminate.

After you have narrowed it down to a handful of names, ask what others think. This is an important step since it can help determine if others will understand your puns or slang words. After you’ve put your blog titles to the test, select a top five, and go from there.

Eventually, you’ll make it down to your top two, and soon enough, you’ll have a winner.

Word generators

If you are feeling stumped on the word creation stage, find a word generator and search to your heart’s content. This is a great place to get your creativity flowing. Add these words to the list and continue through the steps.

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Finalize your blog’s title

In the end, choosing your blog’s title should be a fun experience.

Your blog’s title should be true to you and your brand, and the most important thing is that you are satisfied with it! If you need help creating blog content, or need tips on launching your blog, be sure to check in with WebFX! We also have blog creation services to help you with writer’s block.

Contact us online or give us a call at 888-601-5359 to learn more!

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