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A table with two columns and six rows displaying prices and their corresponding conversion rates. The left column shows prices ending in .99 with generally higher conversion rates, while the right column shows whole number prices with generally lower conversion rates. Each price-conversion rate pair is highlighted in a green box.

Prices Ending in ".99" Convert Better

Their findings?

Prices ending in “.99” had noticeably better conversion rates — as much as +117% better in one case.

Gumroad said:

“Across the board, prices ending in .99 have higher conversion rates than prices ending in one cent higher.”

Here’s Gumroad’s comparison table from their write-up displaying the results of their analysis:

99cents is better 01conversionratetable

Are you an app developer selling in the App Store? Or maybe you’re working on a premium icon set, WordPress theme or e-book to bolster your income. This info might help you come up with a good price.

Read the entire report and their theory on why prices ending “.99” convert better in the Gumroad blog post called A Penny Saved: Psychological Pricing.

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