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Comic strip with four panels showing a man narrating an experience at a bar. Panel 1: Man says he's at the bar after work. Panel 2: He hears someone shout 'Hey lady' but doesn't turn around. Panel 3: Something hits him on the head. Panel 4: He expresses confusion about the situation. A caption reads 'Alignment in Design' and another character comments on the story being a jumbled mess.

The Brads: Mastering Alignment in Design

The alignment of elements in a web page is a very important aspect of a good web design. In this info-comic, The Brads illustrate important concepts and best practices for alignment.

The Brads - Alignment in Design - leading image

The Bads – Alignment in Design

The Bads - Alignment in Design - info-comic

Links mentioned in the webcomic

Other info-comics by Brad Colbow

About the Illustrator

brad colbow smallBrad Colbow is a freelance graphic and web designer based in Cleveland, Ohio. He’s also the creator of the web comic, The Brads. You can see his work at Brad Colbow Design.

If you’d like to keep up with Brad, follow him on Twitter or connect with him via LinkedIn.

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