What Is a 200 Status Code?
The request has succeeded.
The payload sent in a 200 response depends on the request method. For the methods defined by this specification, the intended meaning of the payload can be summarized as:
a representation of the target resourceHEAD
the same representation asGET
, but without the representation dataPOST
a representation of the status of, or results obtained from, the action;PUT
a representation of the status of the action;OPTIONS
a representation of the communications options;TRACE
a representation of the request message as received by the end server.
Aside from responses to CONNECT, a 200 response always has a payload, though an origin server MAY generate a payload body of zero length. If no payload is desired, an origin server ought to send 204 No Content instead. For CONNECT, no payload is allowed because the successful result is a tunnel, which begins immediately after the 200 response header section.
A 200 response is cacheable by default; i.e., unless otherwise indicated by the method definition or explicit cache controls1.
- 1 Calculating Heuristic Freshness RFC7234 Section 4.2.2
- Source: RFC7231 Section 6.3.1
Rails HTTP Status Symbol :ok
Go HTTP Status Constant http.StatusOK
Symfony HTTP Status Constant Response::HTTP_OK
Python2 HTTP Status Constant httplib.OK
Python3+ HTTP Status Constant http.client.OK
Python3.5+ HTTP Status Constant http.HTTPStatus.OK
.NET HttpStatusCode.OK
Rust http::StatusCode::OK
Java java.net.HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK
Apache HttpComponents Core org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus.SC_OK
Angular @angular/common/http/HttpStatusCode.Ok
Why is a 200 status code important?
A 200 status code is important because it indicates that the server has successfully processed the client’s request and is returning the requested content in the response body. In other words, it means that the client’s request was valid, and the server was able to fulfill it.
This status code is the most common response that a server returns when it receives a valid request from a client. It is used for a wide range of requests, such as retrieving web pages, downloading files, accessing APIs, and more.
From a user perspective, a 200 status code means that the requested content has been successfully delivered, and the user can view or use it as intended. It also helps developers and website owners to identify and troubleshoot issues with their web applications and ensure that their clients can access their content without any problems.
In summary, a 200 status code is important because it represents a successful response from the server, which is necessary for a client to access the requested content and for developers to maintain the functionality and reliability of their web applications.
How does a 200 status code affect search engine optimization (SEO)?
A 200 status code is an important foundation for good SEO, as it ensures that the content is accessible and available for search engines to crawl and index.
A 200 status code indicates that the requested resource or page was successfully found and returned to the client. Search engine crawlers, such as Googlebot, prefer to crawl and index pages that return a 200 status code, as it indicates that the content on the page is accessible and available for users to view.
On the other hand, if a page returns a 404 or any other error status code, it can negatively impact SEO, as it signals to search engines that the page is unavailable or broken. This can lead to the page being removed from the search engine index or ranking lower in search results.
What is the difference between a 200 status code and a 202 status code?
The main difference between a 200 OK status code and a 202 Accepted status code is in their meaning and purpose.
When a server returns a 200 OK status code, it means that the server has successfully processed the client’s request and is returning the requested content in the response body. This response status code is typically used for successful requests that are expected to return some content, such as an HTML page or JSON data.
On the other hand, a 202 Accepted status code means that the server has accepted the client’s request, but the request has not been fully processed yet. This status code is usually used in situations where the request is expected to take some time to process, such as when a client sends a request to a server to start a long-running task or a batch job. The 202 response typically includes a URL or other information that the client can use to monitor the progress of the request.
In summary, a 200 OK status code indicates that the server has successfully processed the client’s request and is returning content, while a 202 Accepted status code indicates that the server has accepted the request but the processing is not yet complete.
What is the difference between a 200 status code and a 204 status code?
The main difference between a 200 OK status code and a 204 No Content status code is that a 200 response indicates that the server has successfully processed the request and is returning a response with content, while a 204 response indicates that the server has successfully processed the request, but there is no content to return in the response body.
When a server returns a 200 OK status code, it usually means that the client’s request was successful, and the server is returning the requested content in the response body. For example, when a user requests a webpage, a server can respond with a 200 status code and return the HTML content of the page in the response body.
On the other hand, when a server returns a 204 No Content status code, it means that the server has successfully processed the request, but there is no content to include in the response body. This can occur in situations where the request was a simple GET request for a resource that has no content, or for a DELETE request where the resource has been successfully deleted.
In summary, a 200 OK status code indicates a successful request with content, while a 204 No Content status code indicates a successful request without content.
Additional resources
- Learn about web development
- Learn about SEO
- Web development services from WebFX
- SEO services from WebFX
- MDN Web Docs
- W3Schools
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