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What Is ROAS? Return on Ad Spend in Under 5 Minutes

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What is ROAS?

Return on ad spend (ROAS) is a marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue earned for every dollar spent on advertising. You can calculate your return on ad spend using the following formula: Revenue Attributed to Ad Spend / Advertising Costs.

What Is ROAS video thumbnail

Asking yourself, “what is ROAS?” or “what does ROAS mean”? Well, you’re in the right place!

On this page, we’re diving into all things return on ad spend! So, just keep reading to learn more about the ROAS definition!

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Key Takeaways

  • ROAS is a marketing metric that assesses the performance and financial return of a digital advertising strategy, campaign, or ad group.
  • To calculate ROAS, use the ROAS formula, which divides your ad strategy’s total revenue by its total cost, to calculate your return on ad spend: ROAS = Revenue / Cost
  • ROAS in marketing is essential for informing your company and your team about the performance and quality of your ad campaign.
  • A good ROAS is usually a 4:1 ratio — $4 in revenue to $1 in ad costs.

How to calculate ROAS

Now that you know the answer to the question, “what is ROAS in marketing,” let’s dive into how to calculate ROAS.

Graphic showing the ROAS formula

To calculate ROAS, use the ROAS formula, which divides your ad strategy’s total revenue by its total cost, to calculate your return on ad spend: ROAS = Revenue / Cost

What is ROAS?

ROAS is a marketing metric that assesses the performance and financial return of a digital advertising strategy, campaign, or ad group. Using and measuring this metric can help companies improve their ad strategies and monetary returns.

Why ROAS matters

So you now know how to calculate ROAS and the answer to the question, “what is ROAS.” Now let’s explore why it’s important!

ROAS in marketing is essential for informing your company and your team about the performance and quality of your ad campaign. Return on ad spend provides you with actionable data you can use to optimize your ad spend. Without the calculation, it becomes easy to waste your ad spend and diminish the number of leads and sales coming in from advertising.

Expert insights from webfx logo

Rebekah L. Senior Internet Marketing Producer

“Tracking ROAS allows you to measure how your campaigns are performing and if they’re profitable to ensure you’re making the best use of your marketing dollars. This can help you determine where to allocate budget or which campaigns need more attention to bring your ROAS up to par.


Having a ROAS target also allows you to monitor the impact of your optimizations over time, so you can learn what does and doesn’t work to build a stronger strategy over time.”

What is a good ROAS?

Graphic showing a good ROAS ratio

A good ROAS is usually a 4:1 ratio — $4 in revenue to $1 in ad costs. There is no right answer, however, because some businesses might need more or less revenue to operate. The average return on ad spend is 2:1 — $2 in revenue to $1 in ad costs.

What determines a good ROAS?

Now that you know the answer to the question, “what is a good ROAS,” let’s dive into what determines it. When it comes to determining a good ROAS for your company, you need to think about the following:

  • Your industry
  • Your profit margins
  • Your average cost-per-click (CPC)

Expert insights from webfx logo

Rebekah L. Senior Internet Marketing Producer

“There are a variety of factors that need to be considered when determining a ROAS, the main one being profit margins. A larger profit margin can support a lower ROAS while a smaller profit margin will need a higher ROAS to remain profitable.”

Once you figure out these details, you can uncover the optimum dollar amount for your business.

View Average Google Ads ROAS By Industry

ROAS vs. ROI: What’s the Difference

So you know the answer to the question, “what is a good ROAS.” Now let’s dive into the main differences between ROAS and ROI.

Graphic showing the differences between ROAS vs. ROI

ROI calculates how much your company makes from advertising (or another channel) after expenses, which includes operational costs, turnover, and more. In comparison, return on ad spend determines how much your business earns (on average) from advertising only.

Since they measure different aspects of your campaign, return on ad spend and ROI also use different formulas.

ROAS Formula ROI Formula

ROAS = Revenue / Cost

ROI = Net Profit / Total Investment*100

If you’re struggling to remember the differences between ROI and return on ad spend, think about the two from this perspective. ROAS in marketing measures your average return from advertising, while ROI measures your total return from advertising.


Got questions about return on ad spend? Find the answers here!

What is ROAS?

ROAS is a metric that measures the amount of revenue you earned for every dollar you spent on advertising. In other words, it shows you how much you made on your advertising investment.

How is ROAS calculated?

ROAS is calculated using the following formula: ROAS = Revenue / Cost

For example, if you spent $1000 on your advertisements and earned $2000 in revenue, your ROAS is $2 for every $1 spent, or 200%.

What is a good ROAS?

A good ROAS can vary depending on your industry, size of your business, and more. However, a good ROAS is usually a 4:1 ratio, or $4 for every $1 earned on average.

Why is ROAS important?

ROAS is an essential metric for marketers and advertisers to understand how their campaigns perform. By calculating ROAS, you can understand exactly how much revenue you’ve earned from your campaigns, and determine which advertisements drive the most revenue for your business.

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Improve your ROAS with help from WebFX

So now you know the answer to “what is ROAS,” along with how to calculate ROAS in marketing, why it’s important, and what makes a good return on ad spend.

But when your ads fail to generate the revenue and results that your business needs, it places your company (and you) in a difficult spot.

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