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10 Benefits of Full-Service Marketing From An Agency

You decided to outsource your marketing. You know you want to partner with an agency. Now there’s just one last thing to decide: Do you partner with a full-service marketing firm?


There are numerous benefits of full-service marketing from an experienced agency. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits you’ll reap!

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What does “full-service marketing” mean?

Before we dive into the benefits of full-service marketing, you must understand what that means. Full-service marketing means that an agency provides everything you need to manage your marketing. You don’t need to hire multiple agencies to handle different strategies for your business.

Many full-service marketing firms offer services like:

Full-service marketing agencies handle multiple strategies for your business and keep them under one roof.

10 benefits of full-service marketing from an experienced agency

So, what are the full-service marketing benefits you’ll reap? Here’s a breakdown of the benefits we’ll cover:

  1. Everything you need is under one roof
  2. You get access to the latest technology
  3. You gain access to a team of experts that stay updated on the latest trends
  4. You get fresh ideas for marketing
  5. It’s cost-effective
  6. It’s easier to scale your marketing
  7. You have someone to monitor your campaign continuously
  8. You gain a better understanding of your customers
  9. You can spot trends more easily
  10. You gain access to people with diverse skills

Let’s dive in!

Full-service marketing benefit #1: Everything is under one roof

One of the benefits of a full-service marketing firm is that everything is under one roof. This benefit is two-fold.

First, if you know you want to invest in multiple marketing strategies, full-service marketing makes your experience less of a headache. Imagine you wanted to invest in SEO, PPC, and content marketing and hired a different agency for each strategy. You’d spend all your time trying to communicate between companies to ensure all your campaigns are cohesive.

Instead of spending your time as a mediator, you can rely on one company to handle all your campaigns. They’ll know what’s going on with each strategy you invest in, so they ensure your campaigns are cohesive and work well together.

The second part is that you can add strategies as you need, without all the mess. If you start with SEO and decide to expand to PPC, you don’t need to hire another agency to handle your campaign. You can work with your full-service agency to add the new strategy to your marketing plan.

Overall, the most significant benefit of full-service marketing is that you keep everything under one roof, so you can have less chaos in communicating about your marketing.

Full-service marketing benefit #2: You get access to the latest technology

When looking at the benefits of a full-service marketing agency, you’ll find that you gain access to top-notch technology. Many full-service marketing companies have access to marketing technology that helps you run better campaigns and collect more insights from campaign performance.

Accessing this technology gives your company an advantage. Your campaigns will run more smoothly and efficiently compared to doing them manually.

Additionally, this technology will help you gain more valuable insights into your campaigns. Your marketing company will efficiently collect data and analyze it to help improve your campaigns and drive better results.

Full-service marketing benefit #3: You gain access to a team of experts that stay updated on trends

Marketing trends change as technology develops and evolves. From Google updating its algorithm to new tools coming to market, your marketing strategy needs to stay current to ensure you drive the best results. Keeping up with it all can be a huge challenge of in-house marketing.

If your company struggles to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes, you’ll benefit from investing in full-service marketing.

One of the benefits of a full-service marketing agency is gaining access to a team of experts. These experts stay up-to-date on the latest trends so that your campaigns remain current. When your campaigns remain current, you maximize your results.

Full-service marketing benefit #4: You get fresh ideas for your marketing

Another one of the full-service marketing benefits you’ll reap is obtaining new ideas for your marketing. You may find that, in your company, your marketing ideas feel stale or recycled. You may look at campaigns repeatedly and find that you can’t generate new ideas or feel stuck.

With a full-service marketing agency, you gain access to a team with a fresh perspective and new ideas. They look at your campaigns from different angles and find ways to improve them to drive better results.

They also have an outsider point of view because they aren’t part of your company. Sometimes it’s challenging to figure out where your campaigns go wrong internally — an unbiased third party is extremely helpful for providing a fresh perspective.

Full-service marketing benefit #5: It’s cost-effective

One of the benefits of full-service marketing is that it’s cost-effective. Having an extensive in-house marketing team comes at a cost. Not only do you have to pay employee wages and benefits, but also software, office space, and any technology you need. Plus, you’ll need to pay for additional training to keep your team current on trends.

These costs add up and can be expensive for your business.

With full-service marketing agencies, it’s more cost-effective. You gain access to marketing experts who know the latest trends and changes in the marketing field. Additionally, these agencies have the technology to run your campaigns, which they typically include in your package.

As a result, you get everything you need for your marketing campaigns at an affordable price compared to doing your marketing in-house.

Full-service marketing benefit #6: It’s easier to scale your marketing strategy

One of the benefits of full-service marketing is scalability. Your business’s needs continually change, which alters the dynamics of your marketing. You may experience rapid growth, which requires hiring and training new people, or you may experience downturns, which requires layoffs and canceling your subscription to marketing technology.

With full-service marketing, you can scale your marketing efforts with ease. If you need to add more to your marketing plan, you can contact your account manager and work out the details. Need to scale back? You can easily work with your account manager to adjust your marketing strategy.

It creates fewer headaches for your business and makes it easier to manage your marketing.

Full-service marketing benefit #7: You have someone to monitor your campaigns continuosly

Having someone to monitor your campaigns continuously is one of the biggest benefits of a full-service marketing firm. Marketing isn’t a “set and forget” investment. It requires continual monitoring to ensure you drive the results you desire.

If you manage your campaigns in-house, your team must find the time to monitor your campaigns. When you have dozens of tasks already on your plate, it feels overwhelming.

With full-service marketing, you have a team that monitors your campaigns. They keep tabs on your campaigns to ensure they run smoothly and can easily fix any errors or problems. Someone keeping tabs on your campaigns gives you peace of mind that they’ll catch any issues or errors.

Full-service marketing benefit #8: You gain a better understanding of your customers

A key component of your business is your customers. You must understand your customers to make more sales and boost your revenue. One of the full-service marketing benefits you’ll reap is that you gain a better understanding of your customers.

Since full-service marketing agencies have access to the latest technology, they can gather data about your customers. Your agency can then use that data to gain insights into information about your customers.

Data from Google Analytics showing a trend

Additionally, you have a team of experts analyzing the data. They know how to analyze data properly and make inferences from what the data shows. Working with a full-service marketing agency is the best way to ensure you maximize the use of your data.

One of the most helpful benefits of full-service marketing is that you can easily spot trends. When you have your marketing services through multiple agencies, it’s hard to detect trends amongst your strategies because every company looks at just one strategy.

With full-service marketing, all your strategies fall under one roof, which means all your data remains in the hands of one team. As a result, your marketing agency can look at all your strategies and see trends across the board. For example, there might be a newly discovered demographic of people interacting with your ads, your SEO, and your content, so you can now target that demographic more aggressively.

By keeping all your strategies in one place, you make it easier to spot trends and capitalize on those trends to drive better results.

Full-service marketing benefit #10: You gain access to people with diverse skills

One of the biggest full-service marketing benefits is gaining access to a broader skillset. When you partner with a full-service marketing company, you gain a team of experts with expertise in different areas, from PPC campaigns to SEO strategies to web design elements.

Accessing a diversely-skilled team means your marketing company can complete whatever tasks you need. If you need a new website design, improved keyword targeting for SEO, or more engaging emails, they’ll have team members that are experts in all those areas.

You don’t need to worry about looking elsewhere for someone who has the skills you need — everything is in one place.

How to choose the right full-service marketing agency

Now that you know the benefits of full-service marketing, you may feel eager to start looking for an agency. To help you choose the right agency, consider these questions as you meet with different marketing companies:

  • What strategies do I want to invest in? Does this agency have expertise across those channels?
  • Do they have experience in my industry? A portfolio of work or project examples?
  • Do they clearly explain what they offer for each strategy?
  • What is their team like?
  • Do they have the same goals and visions in mind?
  • How do they support their clients? How do they communicate?
  • How do they work with my budget?

Asking these questions will ensure you partner with a full-service marketing agency that fits your company’s needs.

Reap the benefits of full-service marketing by partnering with WebFX

If you want to partner with a full-service marketing agency that puts its clients’ success first, look no further than WebFX. With over 29 years of experience in the digital marketing space, we know what it takes to create successful campaigns that make our clients happy.

As a full-service digital marketing company, we create custom strategies and campaigns to fit your business’s needs. Our campaigns drive results, too — we’ve driven over $10 billion in revenue and over 24 million leads for our clients.

Ready to start reaping the benefits of full-service marketing? Contact us online or call us today at 888-601-5359 to speak with a strategist about our digital marketing services!

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