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how to compare marketing agencies

How To Compare Marketing Agencies: A Guide for Businesses

If you clicked on this page, you’re likely thinking about hiring a digital marketing agency to help you with your marketing.

This part of the process may feel a bit overwhelming because there are so many factors to consider when evaluating agencies. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you expertly navigate how to compare marketing agencies so you can make the best choice for your business:

  1. Outline your marketing and budget needs
  2. Research and compile a list of agencies
  3. Evaluate each agency’s prices
  4. Ensure service offerings and deliverables align with your needs
  5. See if any agencies have specific industry expertise
  6. Look over client testimonials and reviews
  7. See what awards, certifications, or recognitions each agency has
  8. Explore each agency’s portfolio and case studies
  9. Find out what marketing technology each agency uses
  10. Determine your preferred communication methods and frequency
  11. Compare and create a shortlist of top agencies

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1. Outline your marketing and budget needs

You can’t pick a marketing agency unless you know what you’re looking for. As you browse and compare agencies, keep your marketing needs in mind, because they’ll be the driving force behind your choice.

Some of the most common digital marketing services businesses enlist agency help for include:

We don’t want you to break the bank when picking a digital marketing agency, either. An agency should help you earn money, not lose it.

So, keep your budget top-of-mind when picking an agency. Price and budget are some of the biggest factors that can help you determine whether an agency is a good fit for you.

If you’re willing to be flexible with your budget, great! Give yourself a price range so you know just how much you’re willing to spend.

Learn More: Marketing Agency Cost 2025

2. Research and compile a list of agencies

Now comes the fun part — researching and putting together a list of potential agencies to partner with.

When researching digital marketing agencies, there are a few different places you can look:

  • Search engines like Google and Bing
  • Review/rating platforms like Clutch and G2
  • Professional networking sites like LinkedIn
  • Social media
  • Word-of-mouth recommendations

3. Evaluate each agency’s prices

Along with your budget, pay attention to digital marketing agency pricing. Unfortunately, many agencies don’t publish their prices online, which can lead to hidden fees and overpriced quotes. If they do have their prices publicly available, check them against your custom quote to ensure they add up.

When it comes to agency costs, you should also look at their pricing models, which can work on a project-by-project or monthly basis. Knowing these things can help you better plan your marketing budget and determine if an agency is the right fit for you.

Beware of agencies that boast cheap services — if the price sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Cheap services often lead to sketchy marketing tactics that leave you in a deeper hole than the one you started in, and you’ll be left spending more money to reverse the damage that agency did.

Meanwhile, don’t scoff at higher-priced agencies, either. They’re often priced that way for a reason, whether it’s their experience, expertise, technology, or industry standing. Pay attention to what’s included with their pricing, like whether they offer the use of marketing technology in their service pricing or consider it an add-on that requires additional money.

4. Ensure service offerings and deliverables align with your needs

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning — look at an agency’s deliverables! The marketing agency you pick should be able to help you reach your goals. Otherwise, why partner with them?

The best marketing companies are upfront about their service offerings. This way, you know exactly what you’re getting from them and can confidently invest in services that positively impact your bottom line and increase your return on investment (ROI).

It’s also a good idea to look at an agency’s full capabilities. For example, you may find an agency that specializes in SEO and PPC, while another is a full-service agency with a wide range of offerings. Which do you prefer? Or, rather, what kind of agency best suits your business needs?

5. See if any agencies have specific industry expertise

Another factor to consider when comparing marketing agencies is industry experience and expertise. Every industry is unique and requires a tailored marketing approach. After all, a strategy that works for the education industry may not work for manufacturing.

Think about it — if you’re a manufacturing company, would you rather partner with an agency who’s successfully worked with multiple companies in your industry and has documented proof of results, or an agency who says they work with all industries but doesn’t have work to demonstrate their expertise?

You deserve to work with a marketing agency who understands the nuances of your particular market and industry and has first-hand experience helping others like you succeed.

As you evaluate marketing agencies, keep these questions in mind:

  • Has this agency worked with businesses in my industry before?
  • Have they worked with any of my competitors?
  • What were the results of those campaigns?

6. Look over client testimonials and reviews

The opinions of past clients can speak volumes about an agency. Reviewing client testimonials and reviews is critical to comparing marketing agencies because they offer unfiltered insights into an agency’s marketing process and client relationships. You can find agency reviews in several places, including:

  • Search engines like Google and Bing
  • Social media
  • Clutch
  • Yelp
  • Agency websites

Like pricing, an agency that only shows raving, five-star reviews may be too good to be true. Realistically, a great agency should have a healthy mix of reviews (with an emphasis on positive reviews, of course). Pay attention to all reviews, from the one-star rants to the five-star raves, and use your best judgment when evaluating them. 

See: WebFX’s 1,100+ Reviews and Testimonials

7. See what awards, certifications, or recognitions each agency has

It’s one thing to be recognized by past clients, but it’s another thing to be recognized on an industry, or even national, level.

Top digital marketing agencies get recognized for a number of reasons, whether it’s their excellent service, industry expertise, or distinction among competitors. Awards and recognitions are major green flags to look for when comparing marketing firms because they show that their work is recognized and verified by other respected or authoritative organizations.

For example, if you’re comparing marketing agencies on Clutch, you’ll see that some agencies are recognized for their work in specific fields and industries.

Industry certifications are another component to look at when evaluating marketing firms, especially if these certifications pertain to things you’re looking for in an agency. For example, if you’re looking for a PPC company, you’ll want to look at agencies certified in Google Ads.

Explore: An Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency

8. Explore each agency’s portfolio and case studies

A marketing agency may be able to talk the talk, but can they walk the walk, too?

Results speak for themselves, so look at verified case studies and agency portfolios to get an idea of what they’re capable of and how their marketing campaigns can make an impact. Agencies that claim they can dramatically boost online visibility or help businesses generate more qualified leads should have the results and experience to back their claims.

No portfolio (or failure to present one upon request) is a red flag in the marketing world, so consider this when comparing marketing agencies.

9. Find out what marketing technology each agency uses

The marketing technology, or martech, a firm uses with their campaigns can be a huge benefit to businesses.

Technology like customer relationship management (CRM) software, social media management platforms, or customer data platforms (CDPs), are all tools that can be used to streamline tasks and increase the impact your campaigns make.

As you research different digital marketing agencies, see if they use martech with their campaigns, whether it’s popular tools like Hootsuite and Google Analytics, or their own proprietary technology suite.

10. Determine your preferred communication methods and frequency

How do you want to communicate with your chosen marketing agency, and how often? While this factor may not be a dealbreaker for some, it’s worth thinking about when considering a successful long-term partnership with an agency.

Agencies typically have an established method for communicating with clients, whether it’s through a project management tool, phone or video calls, or face-to-face meetings. Think about what method works best for you.

As you compare marketing agency options, think about how often you want to communicate with them, too. Are their communication lines open for any new directions or when you think the agency isn’t driving your expected results

Some businesses prefer to let an agency handle all the marketing and are content with touching base whenever there are results to report and strategies to discuss. Other businesses prefer a more hands-on experience where they work closer with experts from the marketing firm and be involved in the action.

11. Compare and create a shortlist of top agencies

Once you’ve researched and compiled a list of potential agency partners, start refining that list into your top picks. Put together a shortlist of qualified agency candidates by conducting in-depth research and considering all the factors we just covered.

Remember, carefully evaluate each agency based on these factors:

  • Your budget
  • Your marketing needs
  • Agency pricing
  • Services and deliverables
  • Industry experience
  • Awards, certifications, and recognitions
  • Client testimonials and reviews
  • Case studies and portfolio
  • Technology
  • Communication

Your shortlist should include agencies that meet these criteria.

BONUS: Questions to ask agencies as you compare

Now that you’ve got your shortlist of top digital marketing agencies, it’s time to begin the interview process. Here is where you’ll start reaching out to the agencies on your shortlist to request quotes, schedule interviews, and discuss proposals. 

During these meetings, don’t be afraid to ask questions. A great agency partnership starts with good communication and rapport. Ask questions like:

How do you measure success?

Ask agencies on your shortlist what metrics they use to measure success — do they use metrics that give insight into your bottom line, or do they focus on vanity metrics that look good on paper, but don’t actually help you? The metrics they use to measure success should align with your goals and expectations.

Who do I contact if I have questions or a problem?

Typically, when working with a marketing agency, you’re assigned a designated point of contact. Whether this is a project manager specific to you or a general helpline, it’s a good idea to ask about this when comparing agencies, that way you don’t feel stranded if faced with a problem.

What do you expect from me as a client?

Just as you have your preferred method of communication, agencies can have their preferences, too. Some agencies are more hands-on than others, so make sure to clarify with them the level of involvement expected from you during the potential partnership.

How soon can I expect results?

While there’s no right answer to this question, it’s helpful to ask this question to agencies. They should be able to give you a ballpark estimate based on the services you discuss with them and their prior experience.

For instance, if you’re enlisting SEO services from an agency, and they say you can expect immediate results, you may want to reconsider. Any agency worth their salt knows SEO is an ongoing process that can take a few weeks (or even a few months) to generate significant results. Those who promise “instant results” are likely engaging in shady SEO tactics like buying links, which can hurt your business in the long run.

Do you outsource any of your work?

Outsourced work may not be a deal-breaker when it comes to choosing a marketing agency, but it’s certainly something to ask agencies. When agencies outsource work to a third party, there’s a higher chance of communication breakdowns or project coordination issues. As a result, work quality could take a hit.

If you want our advice, we recommend partnering with an agency that does their work in house. It’ll mean less stress and headaches for you and a better ROI.

Start your search with WebFX, an award-winning digital marketing agency

Now that you know how to compare marketing agencies and strategically pick the right one that fits your business needs, it’s time to begin your search. Why not start your quest for the perfect agency with WebFX?

With 25+ years of experience assisting businesses with their marketing needs, we’ve helped generate over $10 billion in revenue for clients through our fully custom marketing services.

Adding us to your agency shortlist? Contact us online to and request a free quote, or give us a call at 888-601-5359 to get in touch with one of our digital marketing specialists!

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