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How to Write Product Descriptions [+7 Action-Oriented Tips]

Do you have great and practical products but aren’t sure how to convey that to your audience? Then it’s time to learn how to write product descriptions! Your product description is a crucial component for getting people to buy your products and extend your product life cycle, so you must learn how to write a compelling product description that interests and motivates your audience to buy.

On this page, we’ll provide you seven tips for product description writing that works with some product description examples. If you want to keep up with the latest ecommerce marketing trends, subscribe to our newsletter, Revenue Weekly, to learn more about how to write product descriptions and marketing your online store.

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What are product descriptions?

Product descriptions are written copy describing the benefits of your products to potential buyers. Writing clear, informative product descriptions that demonstrate the attractive aspects of your products will help you sell more online.

But how can you improve your potential customers’ online shopping experience and positively influence them to buy your product?

Below, we’ll go over seven action-oriented tips to develop your product description writing skills.

1. Focus on your buyer

When you’re trying to write creative product descriptions, it’s essential to focus on your buyers. Since they are the ones interested in your products, you must concentrate on appealing to them to get them to buy your products. When you market to too many people, your descriptions end up being weak and vague.

You don’t address anyone or sell them on your product, which makes your product descriptions ineffective. To write a good product description, you must target your audience directly. Identify your shoppers’ pain points.

What problems does your product solve, or how does it help them? Your product description writing should sound like you’re having a conversation with your audience. You’ll want to keep your company’s level of professionalism, but not sound too stiff and formal.

Your audience wants to connect with the humanistic side of your company, not a cold corporation. When you write a product description, try to answer your audiences’ questions before they ask them. Get into the minds of your customers.

If they look at your product, what type of questions will they have? Another critical part of your description involves speaking to your audience directly. Use “you” when writing a product description.

It will help you connect with these leads on a more personal level and appeal to them more. When you’re writing product descriptions, think about your audience. Think about their sense of humor, what they like, and more.

The better you understand your audience, the more likely they are to engage with your products.

2. Showcase the benefits of your product

When you write a description of your products, showcase their perks. Focus on how the product benefits the user. Many companies make the mistake of focusing on why their product is the best on the market or why you should choose their company.

Your audience cares more about how your product will benefit them than why your business is the best. When you write your product description, address how you’re going to solve your audience’s pain points. Tell them how your products will make them happier, more productive, or healthier.

It’s vital to address how your product helps improve your audience’s life. Let’s look at Dyson as an example. Dyson vacuum product description In Dyson’s product description, they focus on how the features of their vacuum benefit the user.

As you can see, they highlight numerous features that appeal to buyers:

  • Cleaning mode options
  • Long-lasting battery
  • Hygienic bin empty
  • Wall-mount dock

These features appeal to buyers because they highlight the desire for a cordless vacuum that:

  • Features a long-lasting battery
  • Offers a clean emptying process
  • Stores easily

By focusing on the benefits in your product descriptions, you’ll get more people to buy.

3. Integrate essential keywords into your description

As you learn more about product description writing, don’t forget to integrate keywords into your description. Keywords help users see that your product is relevant to their needs. When you list a product, include your keyword in the title of the page.

You may think that’s enough to drive valuable customers, but you’ll want to take it a step further by integrating keywords into your description. It helps validate that your product is what the user wants, and it can sometimes help your product appear in more relevant searches! Add your main keyword to your product description, as well as a few supplemental vital terms.

If your product is a vacuum, you might focus on key phrases like “bagless vacuum,” “cordless vacuum,” or “lightweight vacuum,” depending on its features. When someone checks out your description, they will see these key terms and determine your listing’s relevancy. For someone who wants a lightweight, cordless, and bagless vacuum, all your keyword integrations will show that your product is the perfect fit.

4. Avoid “everyone says that” phrases

If you want to know how to write a good product description, avoid “everyone says that” phrases. As the name implies, these are the “selling points” most companies use to make their product seem like the best. A typical example of one of these phrases is “excellent quality.” When your audience sees that description, they say, “Everyone says that…,” because, realistically, no company will say their product is “poor quality.” There are many phrases companies overuse to make their product seem like the best when, in reality, customers view these selling points as phrases companies always say.

These sayings don’t have any added value, so avoid and replace them with sentences of sustenance. So, instead of using a phrase like “excellent quality,” share why your products are high quality. For example, if you were selling a pair of shoes that are “excellent quality,” say something like, “breathable material that keeps your feet dry all day.” It’s better to expand on what makes your product excellent than to say it’s great.

If you learn how to write product descriptions that focus on unique aspects of your products, you’ll get more people to buy them.

5. Make your product description easily scannable

When you’re busy writing your creative product description, you can’t forget to make it readable for your audience. Not everyone will take the time to read paragraphs of information about your product. You must make your description easy to scan and read.

The best way to make your product descriptions scannable is with bulleted lists. A bulleted list makes it super easy to scan and read relevant information about your product. It also helps you stay focused on emphasizing the essential parts of your product description.

Additionally, you’ll want to ensure you use the right font for writing product descriptions. Even if you use a bulleted list to make your text scannable, it won’t matter if the font is difficult to read. Use web-safe fonts to ensure your audience can read your product descriptions easily.

6. Talk like your brand

To learn how to write a good product description, start by talking like your brand. Your product descriptions must match your brand’s personality. It helps you create a more cohesive appearance for your business.

Determine if your brand is more professional and reserved or conversational and relaxed. Does your company operate on humor, or do you get straight to the point? Imagine that a professional, reserved tux rental company wrote all their product descriptions with humorous and casual language.

As a luxury brand, this type of writing doesn’t fit their personality at all. If someone read these descriptions, they wouldn’t find it appealing or would feel confused. In this example, from ThinkGeek, the product description is casual and humorous.

It fits the brand’s tone, which means the product description works well. A casual and humorous product description from ThinkGeek Write product descriptions reflective of your brand to keep your brand image consistent for your audience and to get the most out of your product descriptions.

7. Use power words

If you want to make an impact with your product descriptions, integrate power words that catch your audience’s attention and get them to engage. Here are a few power words to try with your descriptions:

  • Amazing
  • Excellent
  • Captivating
  • Hurry
  • Magic
  • Now
  • Quick
  • Sensational
  • Suddenly

Power words can help improve persuasion within a product description. They add interest to your descriptions and help catch your audience’s attention. Saying your product has a “captivating retina display” sounds more exciting than “awesome retina display.” By adding power words to your product description, you’ll get more people interested in your product and earn more sales for your business.

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Start optimizing your product descriptions today

If you want to attract more customers and get them to buy your products, you need to learn how to write product descriptions that are brand-focused and entice people to make purchases.

You must put time and effort into crafting product decisions that focus on how your product helps your buyers. By producing better product description writing, you’ll earn more conversions for your business. Still not sure how to write a product description?

Looking for someone to handle writing your product descriptions? With website copywriting services from WebFX, you’ll get compelling and engaging product descriptions that entice your audience to buy. Contact us online or call us today at 888-601-5359 to learn more!

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