What Is a 207 Status Code?
A Multi-Status response conveys information about multiple resources in situations where multiple status codes might be appropriate.
The default Multi-Status response body is a text/xml or application/xml HTTP entity with a ‘multistatus’ root element. Further elements contain 200, 300, 400, and 500 series status codes generated during the method invocation. 100 series status codes SHOULD NOT be recorded in a ‘response’ XML element.
Although ‘207’ is used as the overall response status code, the recipient needs to consult the contents of the multistatus response body for further information about the success or failure of the method execution. The response MAY be used in success, partial success and also in failure situations.
The ‘multistatus’ root element holds zero or more ‘response’ elements in any order, each with information about an individual resource. Each ‘response’ element MUST have an ‘href’ element to identify the resource.
A Multi-Status response uses one out of two distinct formats for representing the status:
1. A ‘status’ element as child of the ‘response’ element indicates the status of the message execution for the identified resource as a whole1. Some method definitions provide information about specific status codes clients should be prepared to see in a response. However, clients MUST be able to handle other status codes, using the generic rules defined in RFC2616 Section 10.
2. For PROPFIND and PROPPATCH, the format has been extended using the ‘propstat’ element instead of ‘status’, providing information about individual properties of a resource. This format is specific to PROPFIND and PROPPATCH, and is described in detail in RFC4918 Section 9.1 and RFC4918 Section 9.2.
- 1 Example – DELETE RFC4918 Section 9.6.2
- Source: RFC4918 Section 13
Rails HTTP Status Symbol :multi_status
Symfony HTTP Status Constant Response::HTTP_MULTI_STATUS
.NET HttpStatusCode.MultiStatus
Rust http::StatusCode::MULTI_STATUS
Go http.StatusMultiStatus
Python3.5+ http.HTTPStatus.MULTI_STATUS
Apache HttpComponents Core org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS
Angular @angular/common/http/HttpStatusCode.MultiStatus
Why use a 207 status code?
Using a 207 status code has several benefits, including:
- Include multiple resources in a single response: Instead of sending multiple requests to retrieve each resource, a single request can retrieve all the resources.
- Improve performance by reducing the number of requests: By retrieving all resources in a single request, the number of requests made to the server is reduced.
- Create more efficient communication between client and server: Enable more efficient communication between the client and server by reducing the time taken to process and retrieve the resources.
When should I use a 207 HTTP code?
Here are some examples of when to use a 207 status code:
- When returning multiple resources in a single response: For example, when retrieving all images from a photo album, a 207 status code can indicate that all images have been retrieved.
- When returning a collection of resources: For example, when retrieving a collection of blog posts, a 207 status code can indicate that all blog posts have been retrieved.
- When returning a batch operation result: For example, when processing a batch request containing multiple operations, a 207 status code can indicate the status of each operation.
How to handle a 207 status code
Here are some best practices for handling a 207 status code:
- Understand the response format: A 207 response contains multiple resources, and each resource has its own status code. Therefore, it’s essential to parse the response correctly and understand each resource’s status code.
- Process multiple resources: When retrieving multiple resources, it’s important to process each resource correctly. This can include parsing the resource’s data, validating its format, and handling any errors that may occur.
- Best practices for error handling: When handling errors in a 207 response, it’s essential to identify which resources have failed and why. This can include inspecting each resource’s status code and error message.
How to troubleshoot a 207 HTTP status code
Here are some ways to troubleshoot a 207 status code:
Check if the server and client support HTTP/1.1 and WebDAV protocols
The 207 status code is used in conjunction with the WebDAV protocol, which is an extension of the HTTP/1.1 protocol. If the server or client does not support these protocols, then the 207 response may not be processed correctly.
Verify the format and syntax of the request and response messages
The 207 status code is usually returned when a multi-status response is sent by the server. Make sure that the message format and syntax comply with the WebDAV specification and are not corrupted or truncated.
Review the HTTP headers and payload of the response
The 207 status code is used to indicate partial success, so the response payload may contain multiple HTTP headers and entities. Check if the payload contains the expected data and if the headers are correctly formatted and ordered.
Check if the server or client has any known issues or limitations
Some web servers or clients may have bugs or restrictions that prevent them from handling the 207 status code correctly. Consult the documentation or support resources of the software for any known issues or workarounds.
Use a network tracing tool to inspect the HTTP traffic
If the above steps do not reveal any obvious problems, then a more detailed analysis of the HTTP traffic may be necessary. Use a tool such as Wireshark or Fiddler to capture and analyze the network packets exchanged between the server and client, and look for any anomalies or errors in the communication.
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