What Is a 305 Status Code?
Defined in a previous version of this specification and is now deprecated, due to security concerns regarding in-band configuration of a proxy.
- Source: RFC7231 Section 6.4.5
When is a 305 status code used?
An HTTP 305 redirect is used when the content the user requested can only be accessed by using the right proxy.
When the client uses the correct proxy, they will be able to the content they requested.
Can I use the 305 status code?
You won’t be able to use the 305 status code because it is no longer in use.
For security reasons, the 305 redirect has been deprecated. Additionally, several popular browsers like Firefox and Internet Explorer do not obey this status code.
How do the different HTTP redirect codes compare to the 305 status code?
Now that we’ve talked about why HTTP 305 status codes are no longer in use, let’s explore the different types of codes and how they compare to 305 redirects below!
- 300 multiple choices: 300 multiple choices redirects occur when a requested resource points to multiple destinations for the same requested document. The user can select the choice they desire.
- 301 moved permanently: Like the name suggests, 301 moved permanently redirects occur when one URL has been moved to another location. When a user visits the old URL, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL.
- 302 found: 302 redirects are used when a requested URL is temporarily at a new location.
- 303 see other: A 303 status code is used to direct the user to get the requested resource at another URL.
- 304 not modified: This status code is usually used for caching purposes. It tells the user that the response has not been modified, so they can continue to use the same cached version of the response.
- 305 use proxy: A 305 redirect lets the user know that a resource must be accessed through a proxy server.
- 307 temporary redirect: A 307 redirect is similar to the 302 status code but requires the same requested method to be used on the redirected URL.
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