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know your client

4 Easy Steps to Know Your Client


Knowing your client may be the most important aspect of being a successful Internet Marketer. Every client is different and you must be able to adapt your work to your client’s preferences. Internet Marketers see all types of clients from clothing to online gaming and there is a big difference in how you are going to market each client.

In order to market your clients effectively and retain their business, follow these 4 easy steps to know your client.

Gather Your Client’s Specs

Once you’ve gained a new client it’s time to start getting to know them more. To get the ball rolling send a questionnaire to your new client with some questions about their business. You’ll want to gather basic information such as their contact information, and passwords and some more important information, including their goals and expectations of the campaign.

Get Ready for the Kick-Off

After receiving the completed questionnaire, it’s time to schedule a kick-off call.

A huge part of customer service is showing your client that you care. Scheduling a phone call instead of just emailing back and forth adds a personal touch to your client relationship. Remember: don’t just talk business the whole time, it is important to connect on a personal level.

Whether you both love basketball or you have traveled to where they live – make a connection! I suggest connecting with your client on LinkedIn to see where they went to school and their interests; this will give you some simple talking points, plus you can put a face to a name.

Be Nosy: Ask Questions

Now on to the business side of your phone call. Be sure to ask a lot of questions!

It is extremely important to know the goals and expectations of your client. What is important to them? Is it sales, engaged visitors, or signing up for a free trial?

You will also want to be on the same page for the time frame of the project. Issues can arise with unrealistic expectations on the delivery of a project, so set a realistic timeframe at the beginning of the project and stick to it. Next, ask your client about their presence on the internet.

Did they sign up for SEO but run PPC on their own? Finally, it is important to be aware of who their ideal customer is. Who are you marketing to?

That one detail can change everything in your campaign. After they have answered all of your questions, you must be prepared to answer any questions that they might have for you!

Do Research to Become an Expert

Don’t stop there! You should have already completed some basic research on your new client, but now that you’ve discussed their goals and expectations it’s time to complete some in depth research.

Spend time on your client’s website and determine what needs to be improved. This involves using your marketing as well as technical and design knowledge. Are their title tags non-descriptive?

Do they have a form that is too long? Are there a ton of broken links? Are the pictures on the site stretched?

Make a list of all the changes you would like to make and start tackling them! Also, find and follow them on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to learn more about their target audience. Another great way to know what is going on in their company is by setting Google alerts. Google Alerts are sent when their company name is mentioned on the internet.

Now that you’ve completed the 4 easy steps to know your client including a questionnaire, a phone call, asking questions, and research, you should know your client inside and out!

Knowing your client should give you the confidence to market their site with ease.

Continue communication with your client based on their expectations and give them some unsolicited “great news” updates to keep them engaged. It is easier to keep an existing customer than to get a new one so be sure to know your client! Leave us a comment and let us know what has worked well for you.

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