Trevin serves as the VP of Marketing at WebFX. He has worked on over 450 marketing campaigns and has been building websites for over 25 years. His work has been featured by Search Engine Land, USA Today, Fast Company and Inc.
You can use the stock photos on Picjumbo in your commercial and personal works. Attribution is not required (but appreciated). The photos on Picjumbo are very high-quality and usable.
And the photos are big, with most of them being 3,888px wide. Photos at Picjumbo include… This person using his cell phone while driving (y u do dis?): This Macbook Pro sitting all by itself in a restaurant: These flowers: This collection of stuff that includes keys to a car I can only dream of driving some day: According to the Picjumbo’s FAQ page, example use-cases include:
HTML/CSS templates you’re selling
Placeholders in your designs
Articles (which I gratuitously took advantage of in this post)
The one thing you’re not allowed to do is resell the stock photos. We’ve covered sites other websites that provide free stock photos before, and our readers have suggested other sites via comments. Picjumbo is a great addition to your list of options and your bookmarks.
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