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Google Plus Widget

Today, we released version 1.0 of our Google Plus Widget for WordPress! This plugin allows you to add a Google+ profile badge to your WordPress blog or website. Once installed, users can add you to their Google Plus network and you, in turn, can show off the number of followers in your circle.

Here’s a couple of screen shots to give you an idea of how the Google+ plugin works:  

Google Plus Widget
How the Google Plus Widget displays on your blog
Google Plus Widget Admin
Simple admin interface for the Google Plus Widget
Download the Google Plus Widget and then install it within WordPress using the instructions below:

  • Go to “Plugins -> Add New”
  • Click on the “Upload” link
  • Browse to where you downloaded the Google Plus Widget zip file and then click “Install Now”
  • Depending on your WordPress site configurations you may need to provide your FTP server credentials
  • Once the install has completed, Activate the plugin
  • Go to “Appearance -> Widgets”
  • Find the Google Plus Widget in your list of available widgets and drag it to where you would like it to appear on your site
  • Provide a title for the plugin and your Google+ ID. You can find your Google+ ID by going to your profile…it is the 21 digit number found in the URL. (e.g.,
  • click the “Save” button

That’s it! Refresh your website and you should now see your very own Google Plus Widget being displayed on your WordPress site. If you like our Google Plus extension, please consider rating it on the WordPress site!

And stay tuned for updates to this Google Plus plugin…we’re looking to enhance the extension even more to include an option for a Google +1 button as well as a choice of multiple themes. And be sure to check the FAQ page associated with the Google Plus Widget plugin page on WordPress for common error resolutions.