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Multiple edited versions of a photograph of a woman in a red top and black leather jacket, showcasing various vintage photo effects applied through Photoshop actions.

6 Free Vintage Photo Effects Photoshop Actions

Below you’ll find 6 really cool vintage effect Photoshop actions to help you achieve some great color effects in your photos. These Photoshop actions are fully reversible and better yet, they are adjustable. Image 0001 preview

How to use these actions:

  1. To load the actions, go to your Actions panel in Photoshop and click on the “flyout menu” on the top right corner of the panel. Select “Load Actions…” and then navigate to where you downloaded the action on your hard drive. Select the actions you want to load into your Actions Panel.
  2. Open the image onto which you would like to apply an action.
  3. Create a duplicate layer of your background layer.
  4. Go to your actions panel and press the Play button with your selected action highlighted.
  5. To adjust the effects, click on the corresponding Adjustment Layer in your Layers Panel. Enjoy!
  6. To reverse all the effects, delete all the layers except the background layer.

All the actions we’ve included work well on most types of photographs. However, for best results, we suggest that you make sure that your photos are well-exposed and the tone and white balance are to your liking before you apply these Photoshop Actions. image 001 before This is the “before” image that we’ll be using to show off the effects of these freebie Photoshop actions.

It is a photo of my lovely friend who was kind enough to let us use her image.

1) Vintage Polaroid

image 01 vintagepolaroid This Photoshop action gives your photos a somewhat desaturated look and gives the shadows a blueish tint. It mimics the look of those lovely instant Polaroids.

2) High Contrast Black & White

image 02 highcontrastbw This Photoshop action gives your photos a very high contrast black and white look. It mimics the look of classic black and white photographers in the first half of the 20th century.

3) Vintage Red Push

image 03 red This action gives your photos a red tint and desaturates the colors of your photos a little bit.

It gives your photos that classic poster look.

4) Rock and Rolla

image 05 vintagerocknrolla This action gives your photos a “on-the-road” feel. Much like the feeling you would get following a rock band on tour.

5) Blue Dream

image 04 bluedream This action does not require you to create a duplicate layer of your background layer. Just press play in the actions panel and you’ll get a dreamy, surreal, photo.

This works especially well with landscapes and still life photos.

6) Expiration

image 06 expiration This action mimics the look of shooting with expired rolls of film. The colors are desaturated and the contrast is lowered to give your photos that classic look. All of these actions are fun to use.

However, always remember that these actions won’t work perfectly with every single photo. Always make sure that the photo you want to use is well-exposed before you apply these actions. These actions are provided for you to use in your personal and commercial projects.

However, please do not redistribute the files without expressed consent from Design Instruct staff.

Download Source Files

  • File type: .zip
  • Number of files: 6

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