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Three sushi pieces in a row, with the first two being plain rice and the third topped with a slice of salmon.

How to Create Retro Square Push Buttons in Photoshop

Tutorial Preview

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Step 1: Create the Background

Open up Photoshop. Create a new Photoshop document with a canvas size of 500x300px.

Unlock the default Background layer by first double-clicking on it in the Layers panel, which will open up the New Layer dialog window, and then pressing OK in the New Layer dialog window.

Next, to give the unlocked Background layer a gradient background, open the Layer Style dialog window of the layer by again double-clicking it in the Layers panel.

Give the layer a Gradient Overlay layer effect with the settings shown below.

step01 13

Step 2: Create the Buttons Holder

Click on the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) in the Tools panel. In the Options bar of the Rounded Rectangle Tool (located at the top of Photoshop), make sure that the Shape layers option is selected, and then set the Radius option to 3px and the Color option to a very dark gray color (#262427).

With the Rounded Rectangle Tool properly set up, draw a dark rectangle shape as shown below.

step02 12

In the Layers panel, double-click on the “buttons holder” layer to open up the Layer Style dialog window.

We’ll give this layer a Color Overlay, Inner Shadow and Stroke. Below are the settings for each of these layer effects.

Color Overlay

step02a 6

step02b 3

Inner Shadow

step02c 2

step02d 2


step02e 1

This is what we have after applying the layer effects:

step02f 1

Step 3: Create the Button’s Base Shape

Zoom in closely with the Zoom Tool (Z) (e.g., zoom in by 200%). This will make it easier for us to work precisely.

Set up the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) so that it has a Radius of 3px and a color of white (#ffffff).

Then draw a white square shape that will be the base shape of our buttons.

step03 12

In the Layers panel, double-click on our newly created shape layer to open up the Layer Style dialog window. We will give this shape the following layer effects: Inner Glow, Gradient Overlay and Stroke. Use the images below as a reference.

Inner Glow

step03a 5

Gradient Overlay

step03b 3


step03c 3

Let’s take a look at our button’s base now:

step03d 2

Step 4: Add a Circle in the Middle

Switch to the Ellipse Tool (U) and then draw a white circle in the middle of button’s base.

Hold down Alt + Shift (Mac users: Option + Shift) while drawing with the Ellipse Tool to constrain proportions.

step04 13

Open the Layer Style dialog window and give the circle shape an Inner Shadow, Gradient Overlay, and Stroke layer effect. The settings for these layer effects are shown below.

Inner Shadow

step04a 4

Gradient Overlay

step04b 3


step04c 3

Here’s the preview of our progress thus far:

step04d 3

Create a new layer. Switch to the Brush Tool (B) and choose a soft, round brush with the Size set to 15px.

Paint a white (#ffffff) spot close to the bottom of the circle to add a lighting effect to our button.

step04e 3

The button is finished. Let’s take a look at it:

step04f 3

In the Layers panel, select the button base, the circle and the light layer and then put them in a layer group that you can call “Button.”

step04g 2

Step 5: Creating the Other Buttons

Duplicate the “Button” group twice and then use the Move Tool (V) to move the duplicates like on the image below.

step05 11

On the last button (the one on the farthest right), use the Ellipse Tool (U) to add an orange (#df7237) circle.

step05a 3

Open the Layer Style dialog window for the orange circle layer and give it an Inner Shadow layer effect.

step05b 2

Create a new layer on top of the orange circle (PC users: Ctrl + Shift + N Mac users: Command + Shift + N).

Switch to the Brush Tool (B) and set it up so that it has a soft, round brush and Size of 15px. On the new layer, paint a small white spot over the bottom of the orange circle.

Then lower the Opacity of this layer to 70%.

step05c 2

step05d 1

Now let’s make the rightmost button appear as though it was pushed down.

In the Layers panel, double-click on the “button base” layer of the rightmost button to open the Layer Styles dialog window. Give this layer an Inner Shadow to make this button looks like it’s pressed.


That’s it!

Tutorial Summary

We have created a simple yet beautiful set of user interface buttons inspired by Braun products from the 60’s. You may be surprised to find out that we only used basic Photoshop features like shape tools, the Brush Tool and layer styles.

I hope you have learned something new and useful by following along with this tutorial.

Thanks for reading!

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