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As technology continues to advance, so does social media’s reach. Social media has changed how we communicate, especially over the past 20 years. These platforms have proven helpful for businesses, but what about oncology practices?

In short, social media is beneficial for oncology practices. Keep reading to find out where to begin, and sign up for our newsletter for more marketing tips and tricks for your practice. 

Benefits of social media for oncology practices

In the past, cancer-related content only reached those who were personally affected. Cancer awareness to the general public is now possible through social media content.

Social media can also benefit oncology, allowing caregivers and patients to spread helpful content and experiences related to cancer treatments. Patients can interact with this content as another form of communication with the health community.

By having a presence online, potential patients can find your service by doing a simple Google search. Be sure to post high-quality informational content for patient education. They will be impressed with your knowledge and travel to your website for more information.

Three popular social media platforms and their options

Social media can reach a large audience, so the aim is to show up in a user’s feed organically or through paid advertising. See how your company can impact the health care industry by utilizing some of these social media platforms.

1. Facebook

Facebook remains one of the leading social media platforms across the world. Over the years, they have strengthened through purchasing several acquisitions, and they only continue to grow. 

Sign-up for an account to begin utilizing some of the following services:

  • Paid ads: Facebook ads can improve your visibility on the site by reaching people who may be interested in your products, even if they don’t follow your business. You can run your ad campaigns successfully if you know and understand your targeted demographic. However, ad fatigue is real, so switch out ads occasionally to keep them fresh.
  • Boosted posts: These posts are similar to ads, allowing you to promote your individual posts to reach a larger audience. You can also choose your target audience to reach interested users.
  • Facebook stories: A newer feature on Facebook, stories are starting to help business pages increase their visibility on the platform. Facebook stories appear at the top of a user’s feed and allow them to click through the content of those they follow. Post photos or videos to be visible for a limited time, disappearing after 24 hours.
  • Various content formats: Facebook offers several ways to encourage engagement with content. A page can post text, photos, infographics, videos, blog post links, questions, events, and polls for patients to interact with and provide feedback for your services.

2. Instagram

As a major social media platform, Instagram has over 2 billion users. Instagram is a photo-sharing platform that relies mainly on visual content than text. You can showcase the visual aspects of your oncology practice, letting potential patients in your shared community. 

Here are a few features on Instagram that can boost your marketing strategies:

  • Branded and trending hashtags: Create a new hashtag for a campaign or contest to keep all your posts in one place. Using trending hashtags can reach a large audience, as many people use these every week. Take something trending and create business-specific content that is relevant to the hashtag.
  • Performance monitoring: With Instagram, you can monitor your account’s performance, seeing which posts are working and which are falling flat. You can see how many people have seen your post, how much engagement you generate, and which posts get the most user responses.
  • Instagram advertising: Like Facebook, Instagram offers ads in photo and video posts. These are set up in the same format as a typical post, allowing them to integrate into a feed. The only distinction is the word “sponsored” at the top of the post. This spot is ideal for a call to action that users can follow.
  • Cross promotions: If someone follows your practice on one site but not another, Instagram has a feature to allow you to share to another platform. Cross-posting can lead followers on Facebook to your Instagram and vice versa.

3. Twitter

Twitter is the perfect platform for businesses to provide short, sweet snippets of information in only 280 characters. In such a short message, an oncology service can provide facts to provide patient education or reach out to potential patients, informing them of ways the service can help their condition.

Some of Twitter’s marketing strategies include:

  • Conversation engagement: Letting people know about your services is great, but take advantage of social media by responding to tweets that mention you. 85% of people who follow a business on Twitter already feel more connected to them. Engaging with the patient community also creates a personal connection that many patients admire.
  • Include links: You can only say so much within the 280-character limit, so include links that lead to more information. Try your contact page or blog post — either way, it is helpful to drive them to your site somehow.
  • Twitter ads: Every social media site has ads, but 81% of users agree that Twitter ads carry more impact than TV commercials. Twitter also offers specified demographics or interests that can reach more individuals and meet your marketing goals.
  • Utilize hashtags: Before Instagram, Twitter was the birthplace of hashtags. If a user searches for a certain topic or theme, your tweet with the targeted hashtag will show up in the results. Like Instagram, utilize trending hashtags, but use creative liberties to make your own that are relevant to your brand.

Contact WebFX to work with leaders in social media marketing

WebFX is one of the top social media marketers in the industry and can create personalized strategies to reach your goals. We understand transparency is important in your industry and value the same trust. You can find our pricing and rates on our page, allowing you to see what we offer. 

There is no comprehensive solution for everyone in the health care industry. We create personalized plans for each of our clients, including oncology departments. Contact WebFX online or call 888-601-5359 today to get started with our dedicated team of professionals.

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