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Company Mission Statement Examples to Inspire Your Own

If someone asked you what your company’s mission is, how quickly would you have an answer? Have you taken the time to sit down and develop a mission statement for your company? If not, then you definitely should. A mission statement can help solidify a direction for your business and lend more focus to your branding.

The question is, what does a good mission statement look like? Arguably the best way to answer that question is to take a look at mission statements from other businesses. So, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing on this page.

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What is a company mission statement?

A company’s mission statement addresses its overarching values and goals. It explains why a business exists and what motivations drive its actions. The purpose of a mission statement is to help the company understand its own direction and convey that direction to potential customers and clients.

7 company mission statement examples

Now that we’ve covered what a mission statement is, let’s take a look at some business mission statement examples. Each of these examples should help you better understand what a good mission statement looks like.

The companies whose mission statements we’ll look at are:

  1. Columbia
  2. Publix
  3. Motorola
  4. Auburn University
  5. Nintendo
  6. Home Depot
  7. Quicken

Read on to find out more!

1. Columbia

Our first example of a company mission statement comes from Columbia:

mission statement columbia

As you can see, this mission statement is short and to the point. The crux of it is that Columbia claims to “connect active people with their passions.” That communicates who Columbia’s audience is and what they intend their products to be used for — active people engaged in physical activity.

This mission statement also notes the type of products Columbia sells, so it’s not just a vague statement that could apply to any business. It’s a good idea to emulate that in your own mission statement. Finally, Columbia follows up their mission statement with a list of core values.

2. Publix

Publix doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to what their mission statement is:

mission statement publix

In short, Publix wants to be the best in the grocery business. And while that’s basically all they say in their core mission statement, you can see that they then go on to explain how they intend to be the best in the business. The list includes things like dignity, waste intolerance, and customer value.

Elaborating on your mission statement like that is definitely not a bad idea. It helps communicate that you have a plan for achieving your mission rather than just a vague statement.

3. Motorola

From Motorola, we find an example of a company mission statement that’s a bit longer than the previous two on this list:

mission statement motorola

Motorola’s mission statement begins with a broader, vaguer statement (“create and deliver purposeful innovations”) before moving into something a bit more specific and tangible (“provide people with… intuitive mobile products and services”). That’s something you could consider doing too, though only if you’re willing to have your mission statement be several sentences long like Motorola’s.

4. Auburn University

You might not immediately think of a university as a business, but in many ways, it functions as one — marketing, revenue, and branding are all important for colleges. That’s why the next business mission statement example on our list comes from Auburn University:

mission statement auburn

The mission statement (in bold at the top) lists a very broad goal — “improving the lives” of people across the world — but then follows up with a series of specific values through which Auburn plans to achieve that goal. 

While the statement itself is just one sentence, the webpage then expands on it with a short essay that removes any potential ambiguity from the initial statement. If you’re worried that people might not understand what you’re trying to say with your mission statement, you could do something similar.

5. Nintendo

Nintendo provides yet another mission statement that’s on the longer side. However, this mission statement also stands out because it adds a more personal element:

mission statement nintendo

Right away, you’ll notice that this mission statement is presented as a statement from Doug Bowser, the president of Nintendo of America. Above the statement, we see Bowser’s photograph, while below it, we see his signature. Putting a face to the words in the statement help those words to seem more personal and meaningful.

As for the statement itself, it definitely presents a very pleasant and personal goal — “to create smiles through unique entertainment experiences.” Like Auburn, Nintendo then elaborates on how it intends to do that (albeit in far less detail than Auburn).

6. Home Depot

Home Depot offers yet another example of a mission statement that’s built around a series of core values:

mission statement home depot

One thing that’s great about this mission statement is how specific it is. It doesn’t use vague platitudes. Instead, it lists several distinct values that it strives to offer its customers — things like “the most competitive prices” and “excellent customer service.” That’s definitely something you should emulate because those types of things will resonate a lot more with users than meaningless buzzwords will.

7. Quicken

The last of the example mission statements on our list comes from Quicken:

mission statement quicken

The mission statement itself is pretty much in line with what we’ve already seen on this list — a summary of what the company wants to provide its customers with. But the standout feature of this business mission statement example is what comes after the mission statement.

After explaining what their goals and values are, Quicken then segues smoothly into a call to action (CTA) encouraging users to use their products, with a link allowing them to do so. They also list some of the different products they offer. That’s a great way to harness your mission statement for marketing purposes.

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Spread your own mission statement with help from WebFX

As we just saw in that final business mission statement example, mission statements are more than just a way to help your company understand its own values and direction. They can also help with your marketing, drawing in more leads and customers.

But mission statements are just one small piece of your overall branding and marketing efforts. If you truly want to optimize your digital marketing strategy, you should get help from a professional agency like WebFX. We can take your campaigns to new heights and boost your revenue, and we’d love to show you how we’ll achieve that.

Interested in partnering with us for our digital marketing services? Just give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online today!

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