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Your Guide to AI for Amazon Sellers

Your Guide to AI for Amazon Sellers

You no doubt already know that artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now, especially among businesses. You can use it to help you with tons of different tasks, especially when it comes to sales and marketing.

And that’s not just true on your own website. There’s also a growing interest in AI for Amazon sellers, and if you’re one of those sellers, you may be interested in seeing what AI can do for your Amazon store. The good news is, that’s just what we’re here to tell you about.

On this page, we’ll look at several of the best ways to use AI on Amazon, plus a few of the best AI tools for Amazon campaigns. Keep reading to find out more, and then subscribe to Revenue Weekly — our email newsletter — for more helpful marketing content!

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What are the best uses of AI for Amazon sellers?

There are several different ways that AI tools can improve your Amazon sales and marketing efforts. Below, we’ll look at five of the best uses for Amazon AI, including:

  1. Product, keyword, and competitor research
  2. Product page creation and optimization
  3. Image creation and optimization
  4. Sales forecasting
  5. Sales and customer analytics

Keep reading to learn more about each one!

1. Product, keyword, and competitor research

If you want your products to get discovered on Amazon, you need to be familiar with the existing market for those products on the site. You need to know what keywords to target on your product pages, as well as what your competitors are doing to sell their own versions of those products.

Learning all of that information requires research, which can be very time-consuming. Thankfully, AI can help with that. Various Amazon AI tools can integrate with the platform and give you data that you can use to better optimize your pages.

2. Product page creation and optimization

After you’ve conducted research to find out what you’re up against, it’s time to start building out your product pages. That, too, can be time-consuming. But again, AI comes to the rescue. Simple text generation tools can help you develop product details and descriptions for your pages.

It’s up to you whether you have the AI do this for you entirely or whether you simply use it as a starting point. I’d recommend the latter because blindly trusting AI to come up with your product descriptions for you is a great way to find yourself facing a lawsuit for inadvertently including false information.

3. Image creation and optimization

As you probably already know, AI can also help you create images you can use on your product pages. Of course, you should be very careful. Don’t use AI to generate images of the products themselves. If you do, odds are they’ll end up misrepresenting your products in some way, and that won’t end well.

Having said that, you can definitely use AI to generate other types of images — graphics of people using a product in certain ways, for example. Plus, AI can still help you optimize product images by analyzing them to see which ones will be the most effective at driving sales.

4. Sales forecasting

A common problem in sales is the struggle of predicting what will happen in the future. What kinds of sales will you drive in the coming quarter? How much inventory should you produce? How much revenue can you expect to make?

To answer those questions, you need to use sales forecasting. That involves using past sales data to predict what will happen going forward. The good news is AI can help with this. The right Amazon AI tools will let you input a variety of sales data to make forecasts that you can base your budget and inventory on.

5. Sales and customer analytics

In addition to helping you predict the future, Amazon AI tools can help you analyze the results of your past and present sales efforts. These tools can help you identify which products sell the most, which types of people buy them, and which marketing campaigns drive the most sales.

Using that information, you can then reoptimize your marketing and sales efforts on Amazon. If a particular product isn’t driving many sales, you can consider pulling it. Or, if a specific marketing campaign is driving tons of results, you can use that same strategy going forward.

What are the best AI tools for Amazon sellers?

We’ve talked several times about AI tools for Amazon sellers like yourself, but we haven’t named any specific tools. So, what are some good Amazon AI tools to use?

We won’t get into a super long list on this page, but we will look at three of the best options:

  1. Amazon generative AI
  2. Pixmap
  3. Helium 10

All of these tools are useful for helping you accomplish the different tasks listed above. Keep reading to find out a little bit about each one!

1. Amazon generative AI

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Price: Free

One of the best AI tools for Amazon is right there on the platform itself. Amazon lets sellers use generative AI to help create their product pages. All they have to do is input a few very basic pieces of information about their product, and the AI will create a description for it.

As I mentioned earlier, you want to be careful not to let this tool do everything for you. But if you use it as a starting point and then manually review and edit the text it generates, it can really speed up your process.

2. Pixmap

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Price: Credit-based (after 3 free tests)

Pixmap is a great tool for helping you test images before you use them on product pages. Just so we’re clear, it doesn’t generate images. It analyzes existing photos to give you insights into how users perceive them. It does this with things like heat maps to show you which elements of an image draw the most attention.

It’s able to analyze images in a matter of seconds, so you can quickly see how people will respond to different images. That allows you to select the best images for each product. You should be aware, though, that the app is only available on mobile.

3. Helium 10

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Price: $29+ per month

Helium 10 is an ideal tool for product and keyword research. Many businesses use it to keep up with keyword rankings and overall market trends. You can also use it for sales analytics, keeping up with your own sales trends and helping you figure out how to reoptimize your product pages and marketing.

It’s a fairly customized tool, formatting your dashboard based on your answers to a quiz it gives you when you first get started. It’s also very intuitive and easy to use.

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Drive more revenue on Amazon with the help of WebFX

Even when you use AI on Amazon, it’s not always the easiest platform to figure out. That’s why if you really want to see success from your Amazon marketing and sales efforts, you should consider partnering with a professional agency like WebFX.

Our Amazon services are custom-made for your company’s needs, and we bring decades of digital marketing experience to the table. We can help you identify the perfect layout for your product pages and target just the right keywords to land your pages in front of users, driving up revenue in the long run.

Interested in partnering with us? Just give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online today!

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