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Logos of eight brands displayed in two rows: Nike, Pepsi, Adidas Originals, Twitter, Windows, ABN Amro, and Adobe.

Popular Logos Recreated Using Only CSS

Using just HTML and CSS, the folks at ECSSPERT have managed to recreate the logos of recognizable brands such as Adidas, Twitter, Apple, Nike, and more. css logos Here’s the markup they used to render McDonald’s iconic arch logo:

<div id="mcdonalds" class="icon"> <div class="left"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> <div class="glow"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> <div class="inner"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> <div class="hole"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> <div class="triangle1 triangle"></div> <div class="triangle2 triangle"></div> </div> <div class="right"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> <div class="glow"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> <div class="inner"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> <div class="triangle1 triangle"></div> <div class="hole"> <div class="arch1 arch"></div> <div class="arch2 arch"></div> </div> </div> <div class="border1"></div> <div class="border2"></div> </div>

Here’s the CSS:

body, #mcdonalds { background: #c00; } #mcdonalds .left, #mcdonalds .right, #mcdonalds .border1, #mcdonalds .border2 { margin-left: -130px; } #mcdonalds { height: 200px; left: 50%; margin: -100px 0 0 -119px; overflow: hidden; top: 25%; width: 238px; } #mcdonalds .arch { background: #ffc20f; border-radius: 139px/410px; clip: rect(0 75px 201px 0); height: 410px; position: absolute; transform: skewx(-1deg); width: 139px; } #mcdonalds .arch1 { left: 130px; } #mcdonalds .arch2 { left: 135px; transform: skewx(0deg) scalex(-0.9); } #mcdonalds .glow { clip: rect(0px 267px 189px 130px); left: 29px; position: absolute; top: 16px; transform: scalex(0.83) scaley(0.95); } #mcdonalds .glow .arch { background-image: linear-gradient(0deg,rgb(247,245,103) 70%,rgb(255,195,15) 100%); } #mcdonalds .inner { clip: rect(0 280px 222px 130px); left: 61px; position: absolute; top: 23px; transform: scalex(0.66); } #mcdonalds .inner .arch2 { left: 142px; } #mcdonalds .hole { clip: rect(0 270px 230px 130px); left: 61px; position: absolute; top: 23px; transform: scalex(0.66); } #mcdonalds .hole .arch { background: #c00; } #mcdonalds .hole .arch1 { clip: rect(5px 57px 201px 0); left: 158px; transform: skewx(0deg); } #mcdonalds .hole .arch2 { clip: rect(0 55px 201px 0); left: 124px; transform: skewx(-2deg) scalex(-0.9); } #mcdonalds .triangle { border: 14px solid transparent; border-bottom-color: #ffc20f; position: absolute; } #mcdonalds .triangle1 { left: 135px; top: 168px; } #mcdonalds .triangle2 { left: 236px; top: 156px; } #mcdonalds .right { clip: rect(0 249px 250px 0px); left: 498px; position: absolute; transform: scalex(-1); } #mcdonalds .right .glow { left: 40px; } #mcdonalds .right .inner { left: 71px; } #mcdonalds .right .inner .arch2 { left: 141px; transform: skewx(0deg) scalex(-0.9) rotate(1deg); } #mcdonalds .border1 { background: #ffc20f; height: 15px; left: 230px; position: absolute; top: 180px; width: 38px; } #mcdonalds .border2 { background: #c00; height: 15px; left: 229px; position: absolute; top: 189px; width: 40px; } .icon, .icon * { display: block; position: absolute; } .icon { top: 35% !important; } 

And after all that, this is what you get: css logo mcdonalds One thing I’d like to point out is there are better implementation techniques for this sort of thing, such as using <canvas> or <svg> HTML elements. But doing it “the right way” wouldn’t be as fun or as challenging as using CSS properties to shape and style HTML elements.

Logos recreated using pure HTML and CSS3

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