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Create a Slider UI Design with Photoshop

Tutorial Preview

Tutorial Preview

Step 1: Set Up the Photoshop Document

In Photoshop, create a new document (Ctrl+N or Cmd+N on Mac OS) with a canvas size of 550x400px. If it’s locked, unlock the default Background layer so we can fill it with a color. Here’s how you do that: Double-click on the Background layer, which will open the New Layer dialog window.

Just press the OK button to unlock the Background layer. Afterwards, fill the Background layer with a very light gray color (#ececec). Double-click on the Background layer to open the Layer Style window.

In the Layer Style window, give our Background layer a Gradient Overlay layer effect using the image below as a guide for the effect’s settings.

Gradient Overlay

Set Up the Photoshop Document Now we have a good, complementary background for our slider: Set Up the Photoshop Document

Step 2: Create the Slider Bar

In this step, we’ll make the slider bar, a horizontal rectangle that will be sort of the “track” of our slider control (which we’ll create later on). To start, use the Rectangle Tool (U) and draw a rectangle like on the image below.

Make sure that the Rectangle Tool is set to Shape layers mode (you can set this at the Options bar at the top). For the Color of the shape, use a gray color (#dddddd) — you can also set the Color of your shape at the Options bar. step02 10 Double-click on the rectangle shape layer to open up the Layer Style window.

We’ll give our rectangle shape layer 5 layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss, and Color Overlay. Below are the settings for each of these layer effects.

Drop Shadow

step02a 4

Inner Shadow

step02b 1

Outer Glow


Bevel and Emboss


Color Overlay

step02e Check out what the layer style did to our ordinary rectangle shape: step02f Now we’ll place a smaller rectangle inside the rectangle we just created.

Create another rectangle shape inside our bigger rectangle using the Rectangle Tool (U). For Color, use a darker-toned gray (#8f8f8f). step02g For this shape layer, we’ll apply 4 layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Bevel and Emboss.

The settings for each of these are below.

Drop Shadow


Inner Shadow


Inner Glow


Bevel and Emboss

step02k Take a look at our finished slider bar now: step02l Let’s keep things organized by putting both of these shape layers in a layer group (which we can name “Slider bar”). To place the layers in a layer group, just select both layers in the Layers panel and then go to Layer > Group Layers.

Step 3: Create the Slider Control

Let’s make the slider control, which is what you’d slide left and right when interfacing with our slider user interface. Switch to the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). In the Options bar, set the Radius to 2px.

Also, set the Color to the gray color we used for the background (#ececec). Use the Rounded Rectangle Tool to draw a square shape somewhere on top of our slider bar. step03 10 Double-click the shape layer in the Layers panel to reveal the Layer Style window again.

Let’s give this layer a Drop Shadow layer effect to give our slider control a better appearance that it’s on top of the slider bar.

Drop Shadow

step03a 3 Here’s our slider control with the Drop Shadow layer effect applied: step03b 1 Duplicate the layer by going to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Right-click on the duplicated layer, which will reveal a contextual menu where you should choose Clear Layer Style to remove the Drop Shadow layer effect.

Now, double-click on the duplicate layer to open the Layer Style window. For this layer, we will apply 4 layer effects: Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, Gradient Overlay, and Stroke. The settings for these layer effects are shown below.

Inner Shadow

step03c 1

Bevel and Emboss


Gradient Overlay



step03f Below is the result of our layer effects: step03g Switch to the Rectangle Tool (U) with the Color still set to #ececec. Draw a vertical rectangle in the middle of our slider control. step03h Give the vertical rectangle layer these 5 layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, Bevel and Emboss, and Gradient Overlay (the settings are all below).

Drop Shadow


Inner Shadow


Outer Glow


Bevel and Emboss


Gradient Overlay

step03m Looking good so far, right? step03n Put all these layers in a layer group, which you can call “Slider control”.

Step 4: Add the Levels Indicator

We’re almost finished! This is the final step of the tutorial. In this step, we’ll add the levels indicator, which are just notches located north and south of the slider bar.

One last time, use the Rectangle Tool (U) to draw a skinny vertical line like in the image below. step04 11 Press Ctrl+Alt+T (or Cmd+Option+T for Mac OS) to duplicate the shape. Use your Arrow key or your mouse to move the duplicate to the right.

step04a 2 Repeat this process until you have your desired number of lines. step04b 1 Give just one of the lines these 4 layer effects: Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Outer Glow, and Color Overlay.

Drop Shadow

step04c 1

Inner Shadow

step04d 1

Outer Glow

step04e 1

Color Overlay

step04f 1 Now we’ll just quickly copy-and-paste this layer style to the other lines.

To do this, first right-click on the layer that you gave the layer style to, and then choose Copy Layer Style in the contextual menu that appears. Then select all the other layers, right-click and choose Paste Layer Style. This should apply the same layer effects to the other remaining lines.

Here’s what we have now: step04g Just duplicate these layers and move the duplicates down below the slider bar. interface preview

Tutorial Summary

That’s it, we’re done! We can easily create new slider user interfaces just by duplicating the first one.

interface preview Below, I copied the slider UI we created and just moved the slider control. I also just put a “- L -” and an “- R -” label (i.e. they stand for “left channel” and “right channel”, like the ones you can find on old amplifiers) using the Horizontal Type Tool and the same layer style I used for the levels indicator.

interface lr Thanks so much for reading my tutorial! I hope this helps you!

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