Quick Tips
- Link directly to hex color codes. Example: https://www.webfx.com/web-design/color-picker/90c3d4/
- See color combinations by clicking on a link beside: "Generate Color Scheme".
- Click on the boxes at the left side to update the url with the hex color in the address bar or the link icon
to go directly to the url of the hex color.
Link to ColorPicker.com
Below are a few shortcuts or add your own. Thank you!*
Link directly to Hex Color Codes:
ex. https://www.webfx.com/web-design/color-picker/90c3d4
CSS Examples
This sample text has a font color of #c93200
<font style="color:#61e833;">Text here</font>
Background Color:

Color Picker is a free tool supported by WebFX. If you have any feature requests or issues with the tool, submit them here for our team to review. Because this is a free tool, we do not currently offer paid support or guarantee service uptime.
The HEX Color Picker
Saved Colors
Generate Color Schemes
Grab Website Colors
The website color extraction tool is used to grab colors from a website.
Simply enter the URL of the website you want to grab colors from, then press the Get the Colors button. This tool will then attempt to read that websites HTML and CSS files to find all of the HEX color codes.
The Hex Color Picker
This free HTML color selector is the ultimate web design tool. You can easily generate cohesive, harmonious color schemes by using the complementary, triade, tetrade, and analogic options up top, or you can create your own color palette from scratch by using the RGB color picker functionality and saving your preferred colors to the palette on the right hand side of the tool. Lastly, you can type HEX color values directly into the tool, and you can manually adjust HSB and RGB values in order to fine-tune your color selection.
As a designer, you can use this tool however you see fit - from trying out a new brand color palette, to using it as an on-demand CSS color picker. Choosing the right colors for a project is always tough, and we want to make that process as simple as possible. There are plenty of options out there when it comes to online color picker tools, but we want to be the best. Please feel free to get in touch via the “feedback” form if you have any suggestions, feature requests, or other comments.
Thanks for using the WebFX color picker, and happy designing!