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2024 Email Marketing Trends: 5+ Trends Impacting the Future of Email

Email remains at the core of business marketing strategies, with 89% of marketers saying email marketing is their primary strategy. To reap the benefits of email marketing for your business in 2024, you must keep up with the trends and predictions for the new year.

On this page, we’ll cover five of the top 2024 email marketing trends and predictions you need to know to keep your strategy moving forward.

P.S. Want to get tips on driving more revenue with email marketing and other digital marketing strategies? Join 200,000+ savvy marketers by subscribing to Revenue Weekly!

5 email marketing trends for 2024 that predict the future of email marketing

If you want to stay competitive with email marketing, take note of 2024 email trends. Taking these trends into consideration will give you a leg up on your competition. Here are five trends to know:

Email marketing trend #1: Integrating interactivity

Delivering static emails just won’t cut it for your subscribers. If you want users to interact with your emails, you must make them engaging. Interactivity is one of the top email trends of 2024 that will help you improve your emails’ performance.

Interactive emails include elements that users can manipulate without having to visit another page and leave their inbox. These elements include:

  • Carousels of images users can swipe
  • Videos users can play
  • Sliders users can manipulate
  • Games users can play

A Google Email for their Nest product that features interactive elements

Interactive elements make your emails more enticing and encourage prospects to engage with future emails. It’s a great way to help you stand out from your competition.

Email marketing trend #2: Boosting engagement with storytelling

To make the most of interactivity in your emails and of your email marketing in general, you need good storytelling. This coming year, storytelling will become even more important as customers look to connect with the brands they buy from.

Customers today want to know who they’re buying from and what those businesses stand for. To meet this need, tell your company’s story and show your brand’s personality in your email newsletters. Try giving them a behind-the-scenes look at your company by sharing events and stories from your office and team.

You can also branch out beyond stories about your business specifically. You can share news, resources, videos, quotes, and more that relate to your brand.

By incorporating strong storytelling into your newsletters, you can increase engagement and build relationships with your subscribers, encouraging them to become loyal customers and brand advocates.

Email marketing trend #3: Straying away from open rate

This past year, several privacy-related changes transformed how email marketers keep track of campaign performance. In 2024, marketers will continue to adapt to these changes, and data privacy will become an even bigger focus.

One of the most significant changes has come from Apple releasing new privacy settings that prevented marketers from tracking information from Apple users like:

  • When users open emails
  • Where users open emails
  • What device a user uses to open an email
  • Activity on the device used to open the email

Essentially, the change made open rate a much less reliable metric. 

Due to the decrease in open rate’s importance, throughout 2024, metrics such as clicks and click-through rate will become even more useful.

This highlights the importance of creating email content that users want to engage with and including calls to action, such as reading a blog post on your website, downloading a resource, or requesting a phone call.

Email marketing trend #4: Using artificial intelligence (AI)

Next on our list of email marketing trends for 2024 is the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI continues to build a strong presence in marketing and helping marketers make better decisions. When looking at the future of email marketing, AI is a critical component. You can use AI to help you deliver better experiences for your subscribers.

AI can help you analyze thousands of data points and pull out meaningful insights to shape your email marketing campaigns. As the data available to marketers changes due to privacy updates, AI can help marketers make sense of their data.

This technology can help you analyze customer patterns to understand better how they interact with your emails and what they want from you.

AI marketing is a great tool to help you identify trends and changes with your audience to make more actionable decisions with your marketing. When it comes to 2024 email trends, AI is not one to glance over. This technology will play a critical role in helping you create more personalized and tailored email campaigns.

Email marketing trend #5: Using personalized messaging

Personalization is an email marketing trend that has persisted throughout the years, so it’s on our list of email marketing trends of 2024.

This strategy is a great way to get subscribers to interact with your emails and check out what you have to offer. Here are just a few stats that show the impact of personalization on email marketing:

  • Personalization improves open rate by 42%
  • Personalized subject lines increase open rates by 26%
  • Personalization increases the average clickthrough rate (CTR) by 14%
  • Personalization increases conversions by 10%

Your audience receives dozens of emails a day from different companies, so they don’t always have time to waste on irrelevant emails.

Personalization is the key to catching your audience’s attention and getting them to open your emails. You can personalize their experience by using their name or tailoring the email content to their interest.

Email marketing trend #6: Focusing on mobile

The last item on our list of email trends in 2024 is focusing on mobile. As shared earlier, users open 66% of emails on mobile devices.

More people use these devices to sift through their inboxes and determine what’s worth their time.

This shift to mobile means that you must ensure your emails appear and function correctly on mobile devices. You’ll want to use responsive design for your emails, so they adapt to the device a subscriber uses. Additionally, when you design your emails, keep the mobile user in mind.

Keep your emails free of clutter and remain mindful of how much copy you put in your emails, so users don’t have to scroll through your email endlessly.

If you want your emails to stay relevant in 2024, make sure you deliver a positive mobile experience for subscribers.

3 tips to help you keep up with the future of email marketing

Email marketing is a strategy that’s constantly evolving. If you feel like you’re always trying to keep up with how email marketing changes, here are some things you can do to future-proof your strategy.

1. Use time-based automation triggers

As you saw in the list of 2024 email marketing trends above, Apple’s changes to privacy significantly impacts tracking open rate. If you currently use open rate as a trigger for sending follow-up emails, you’ll need to shift your strategy.

To help your strategy stay relevant, use time-based triggers for your automation. You can set up time-based triggers like:

  • Follow-up emails X hours after you sent the first email
  • Automatic emails on a subscriber’s birthday
  • Follow-up emails when users interact with your website
  • Abandoned cart emails when users forget to check out

Abandoned cart reminder from Rudy's about their products

Time-based triggers effectively reach users at the right time, especially after they complete a desired action.

2. Keep your subscribers top of mind

When looking at the 2024 email trends, remember to keep your subscribers top of mind.

You’re creating emails to get them to engage with your business, so you always want to think about what will deliver the best experience for your subscribers. You may find that adding an interactive element would enhance your email content, or something as simple as changing a button color delivers a better experience.

Keeping your audience at the forefront of your email marketing campaigns will help you deliver emails that drive success.

3. Test your emails

The future of email marketing is constantly changing, as are your subscribers’ interests and tastes. The best way to keep pace with all these changes is to test your emails.

Testing your emails enables you to understand what’s working for your audience and what’s not. You can test multiple elements of your emails, from your subject line to your button colors to your image choices.

Testing your emails lets you see what your audience likes and doesn’t like, so you can continually improve your campaigns.

Prepare for the 2024 email trends

Staying on top of the email marketing trends for 2024 is critical for keeping your email marketing strategy current and effective.

If you find yourself struggling to keep up with these trends, rely on the experts at WebFX to give you a hand.

We have a team of over 500+ marketing experts that know how to craft successful email marketing campaigns.

Our in-house software, EmailMarketingFX, makes creating, sending, and monitoring your email campaigns a breeze. Ready to drive more revenue with email marketing?

Contact us online or call us today at 888-601-5359 to speak with a strategist about our email marketing services!

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