President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX.
Creativity needs a jumpstart at times. When you’re feeling creatively low, one of the best ways to get inspired is to admire and look at exceptional web designs. In this collection, you’ll discover some new web design galleries to check out.
I hope you find at least a couple of new favorites that you’ll bookmark and visit regularly! Want to find more design galleries? Check out these other collections:
Wireframe Showcase lets you peek under the hood of a web design. Instead of focusing just on the finished layout — which is how most web design galleries work — featured designs on the site have a discussion by the web designer and screenshots of preliminary sketches, prototypes, and wireframes, giving you insight on their production process.
2. Heart Directed
A recently popular design trend is blogs that publish custom-designed blog posts. Heart Directed, a web project by Design Informer, highlights some masterfully crafted and visually stunning blog posts.
3. siiimple
siiimple, as the site’s name implies, features clean and simple web designs. It’s a great place to visit if you want to see how great designs can become when they’re boiled down to the bare essentials.
Using grid layouts gives your designs a sense of order through systematic placement and alignment of design elements. Grid-Based is a niche web design gallery that showcases beautiful sites that employ grid systems (of course, presented to you as thumbnails aligned on a grid).
Typical web design galleries feature an entire screenshot (or a partial thumbnail) of web designs. However, MephoBox steps outside of this convention by placing common website components such as headers and web forms on center stage.
The HTML5 Gallery seeks to promote the use of HTML5 by inspiring web designers with real websites that already use the new standards. Richard Clark, a front-end designer in the UK and owner of the site, hopes that “a side effect of this [website] is that browser developers will see how many people are implementing HTML5 and add more support for it.”
We’ve talked about @font-face in the recent past through a guide on @font-face as well as a tutorial on the free Google’s Fonts API web service. Typekit, a leading subscription-based service for web fonts, has a web design gallery featuring the use of web fonts on real sites.
8. Mobile Awesomeness
Though some may contest the value of having a mobile design today, Mobile Web — without a doubt — is certainly the future. Mobile Awesomeness indexes and presents aesthetically awesome mobile web designs for your inspiration.
A popular task amongst web designers is the construction of HTML emails. For web designers looking to be inspired in the oftentimes hair-pulling-inducing activity of designing HTML emails, check out Campaign Monitor’s gallery of beautiful HTML emails.
10. The Drawar Design Gallery
Drawar, a blog by 9rules and CSSVault founder, Paul Scrivens, curates an on-site web design gallery where you can find meticulously handpicked web designs. The process of getting your site featured involves a highly sophisticated quality decision algorithm with an equally arduous submission guideline that’s best described by Scrivens himself: “You submit a site and it gets put into the system. I look at the site and if I like it then it gets moved into the Gallery.”