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20 Useful Fireworks Tutorials for Designers

Adobe Fireworks is the neglected cousin of Illustrator and Photoshop. For those who doubt the capabilities of Fireworks in creating vector, raster, and hybrid vector/raster digital artwork, have a gander at this collection of tutorials. In this article, you will discover some great Fireworks tutorials that showcase the capability of this often ignored graphic design software.

1. Creating Fading Light Vectors in Fireworks

Creating Fading Light Vectors in Fireworks In this step-by-step Vectortuts+ tutorial, you will find a method for creating attractive lighting effects using linear vectors in Fireworks. The use of the Pen Tool and a few Fireworks Command options are just some of the things covered here.

2. LED Cinema Display in Fireworks

LED Cinema Display in Fireworks Learn to craft a realistic LED monitor display that you can easily use as a graphic element in a website or print design to for showcasing your art work. Vector tools (the Pen Tool) are used to build the monitor so that it can be scaled if necessary.

3. Creating an Amazing Palm Pre Icon on Fireworks

Creating an Amazing Palm Pre Icon on Fireworks By following along this Fireworks tutorial, you will learn the basics of making vector icons by way of a practical example: creating a Palm Pre icon. This tutorial also outlines the strength of Fireworks with regards to vector/raster hybrid illustrations.

4. Dot Matrix Effect

Dot Matrix Effect Give your vectors a remarkable dot matrix look by having a read at this Fireworks tutorial. The dot matrix texture is implemented by way of changing the Fill Texture of your vector illustration.

5. Web Site Design Tutorial: Case

Web Site Design Tutorial: Case Fireworks is known for its ability to let designers produce quick and functional (low-fidelity) user interface and web design prototypes, but it’s also very capable (and, in fact, created for) creating full web designs, as this detailed tutorial on Abduzeedo shows.

6. Pixelate Effect Tutorial

Pixelate Effect Tutorial Usually, designers want to remove pixelation from images, but when done intentionally and purposefully, the result can be quite unique. Learn how to introduce a beautiful pixelation effect onto your raster graphics via this excellent Fireworks tutorial.

7. Creating Grunge Text Using Adobe Fireworks

Creating Grunge Text Using Adobe Fireworks Find out how you can apply a grunge effect onto your text via this Fireworks tutorial that uses the Ellipse Tool to create small holes in the text and the Reshape Area Tool to customize and finalize the grunge look.

8. Fireworks – Interactive Prototypes in PDF

Fireworks - Interactive Prototypes in PDF Adobe Fireworks is a wonderful tool for wireframing and prototyping a web design layout. If you would like to create interactive PDF’s that you can send to clients, this tutorial on Abduzeedo is a must-read.

9. Awesome Floral Type in Fireworks and Photoshop in 5 minutes

Awesome Floral Type in Fireworks and Photoshop in 5 minutes Learn a quick and handy method for adding florishes onto your text by following along this awesome Fireworks tutorial. A stock image for the floral type treatment is used alongside the Combine Paths and Layer Styles.

10. Adobe Fireworks: Text to Path

Adobe Fireworks: Text to Path Discover all the things you need to know about working with the Text to Path feature in Fireworks (which works similarly to it’s Adobe Illustrator counterpart).

11. Circular Shadows & Highlights

Circular Shadows & Highlights Make your graphics stand out with these simple Fireworks techniques that leverages the Cone gradient, Shadows, and Highlights to convert a basic graphic into a 3D object.

12. Light Effects in Fireworks inspired by the James White’s O series

Light Effects in Fireworks inspired by the James White's O series Create a stunning round object that utilizes Adobe Firework’s nifty lighting effects tools to create a James White-inspired graphic. Radial Gradients and creative use of Blend Modes are just some of the techniques you’ll learn in this tutorial.

13.  Vibrant Digital Collage Mixing Buildings and Vector Shapes on Paper

Vibrant Digital Collage Mixing Buildings and Vector Shapes on Paper Create a mixed-media collage that uses vector shapes and raster textures that results in an impressive final product by reading through this excellent step-by-step Adobe Fireworks tutorial.

14. Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes In this Adobe Fireworks tutorial, you will learn how to create a vector illustration of a “Post-It” Note paper. The tutorial uses the Rectangle Tool to create the base vector, and then the Pen Tool to add realistic bends and curves to it.

15. Gel Cap / Plastic Button

Gel Cap / Plastic Button Discover a method for constructing a stunning button that has a glossy finish by checking out this excellent Fireworks tutorial. This technique can also be adapted to create a variety of other things–not just buttons–such as in icons or as a text effect.

16. Highway Sign

Highway Sign In this Adobe Fireworks graphic design tutorial, you will learn how to craft a realistic-looking U.S. highway sign from scratch. The trusty Pen Tool, the Vector Brush Tool, and shapes tools are used in this excellent write-up.

17. Classy Personal Portfolio in Fireworks

Classy Personal Portfolio in Fireworks Learn to create a clean and professional portfolio web layout via this thorough and detailed Adobe Fireworks tutorial.

18. Motion Blur in Fireworks Tutorial

Motion Blur in Fireworks Tutorial In this Adobe Fireworks tutorial, you will find out a technique for creating a pretty interesting effect: adding a motion blur onto a photo subject. It’s effective in establishing a sense of speed and dynamism.

19. Adobe Fireworks: Grunge RSS Feed Icon

Adobe Fireworks: Grunge RSS Feed Icon See how you can make a grunge-themed RSS feed icon that you can utilize on your websites to highlight your RSS feed. This tutorial uses a stock texture set called loveicon007 by alisa.

20. Adobe Fireworks: Glowing Light Trail

Adobe Fireworks: Glowing Light Trail Make some trendy and popular digital artwork by incorporating glowing light trails onto them. In this tutorial, you will learn how, using basic techniques and Adobe Fireworks tools and options.

Did we miss your favorite Fireworks tutorial?

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*Edited by Jacob Gube.

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About the Author

tomas laurinavicius 02 smallTomas Laurinavi?ius is a blogger and designer from Lithuania who’s currently studying Multimedia Design & Communication in Denmark. Check his work at his personal portfolio site and follow him on Twitter.

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