Trevin serves as the VP of Marketing at WebFX. He has worked on over 450 marketing campaigns and has been building websites for over 25 years. His work has been featured by Search Engine Land, USA Today, Fast Company and Inc.
For Kerby, an internet marketer and graphic designer working in the Philippines, his current trajectory started from this single doodle he created one day to break the monotony of his daily tasks. It was after that first spur-of-the-moment illustration when he decided to start his Doodle Draw Sketchbook. He says, “all the blessings followed and the rest was all unexpected.” All of this just started last year.
One glance at Kerby’s doodles tells you that this young artist is onto something special.
His “doodles” are indeed a far cry from what most of us did in the margins of our school notebooks. His doodles are thoughtful, confident, and are indeed veritable works of art from a young and enthusiastic creative mind. His personal work is largely spontaneous and all done in ink.
That means no pencils, folks. He fills the pages of his sketchbooks with seemingly random streams of consciousness that, when seen as a whole, actually form cohesive stories and themes for the viewer. As he describes, “most of the detailed elements and characters in every composition are unplanned and drawn spontaneously following random themes from my daily experiences or inspired by things I love.” Today, he’s getting commissions left and right. Like this commissioned illustration as a tribute to the legendary Hayao Miyazaki.
(Below) He’s also starting to collaborate with creative agencies all over the world, he has an art book in the works, and he’s getting featured in various magazines and online publications on an international level. Very few people get a chance to achieve as much as he’s achieved in such a short period of time and, perhaps, the most amazing thing about Kerby’s work is that he’s just getting started. When asked if he had advice for other illustrators and aspiring doodlers, he had this to say: “Be patient…
experiment… follow your passions… sleep and sleep more.” Clearly it has worked for him and we can’t wait to see more from Kerby Rosanes.
Below you’ll find some more of Kerby Rosanes’ mind-blowing doodles.