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Free Icon Fonts for Web User Interfaces

Free Icon Fonts for Web App User Interfaces This roundup features 18 free icon fonts that can be used in your commercial projects. The icon fonts in this post are perfect for your app user interfaces (UIs).

What are Icon Fonts?

Icon fonts are font files that have symbols and glyphs (e.g. arrows, folders, magnifying glasses) instead of standard alphanumeric characters.

Icon fonts are like dingbat fonts, but are designed specifically for UIs. Icon fonts, just like other web fonts, use the CSS @font-face rule to display icons in web browsers. And because they’re treated like web fonts, icon fonts:

  • Have great cross-browser support (even IE6, for example, can render web fonts using the @font-face rule)
  • Can be scaled on-the-fly if the user adjusts their web browser settings
  • Can be rendered with different colors
  • Can embody font- and text-related CSS properties (like text-shadow and gradient)

See icon fonts in action by visiting my friend Chris Coyier’s icon fonts demo page. To learn how to use icon fonts, read this tutorial on CSS-Tricks: HTML for Icon Font Usage.

Free Icon Fonts

Below are 18 excellent icon free fonts that have licenses that permit commercial use. I strongly recommend reading the license terms and conditions of any freebie you get online, just to be sure that you can use the free resource for your particular purpose.

1. Foundation Icons Fonts

Number of icons: 137. License:MIT Open Source License. Foundation Icons Fonts

2. Sosa icon font

Number of icons: 121. License: Custom license (use in commercial projects permitted). Sosa icon font

3. Font Awesome

Number of icons: 196. License:Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Font Awesome

4. Iconic Icon Set

Number of icons: 172. License:SIL Open Font License and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0. Iconic Icon Set

5. Raphaël Icon-Set

Number of icons: 116. License:MIT License. Raphaël Icon-Set

6. PulsarJS @FontFace

Number of icons: 73. License:SIL Open Font License. PulsarJS @FontFace

7. IcoMoon

To create a font file, you’ll need to use the IcoMoon web app. Number of icons: 316. License:Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. IcoMoon

8. Typicons

Number of icons: 88. License:Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Typicons

9. Entypo

Number of icons: 100+. License:Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Entypo

10. Heydings Icons

Number of icons: 60. License:Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Heydings Icons

11. Heydings Controls (App Icon Font)

Number of icons: 50. License:Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Heydings Controls (App Icon Font)

12. JustVector Social Icons Font

Number of icons: 62. License:Free Art License. JustVector Social Icons Font

13. Modern Pictograms

Number of icons: 86. License:SIL Open Font License. Modern Pictograms

14. Brandico

Number of icons: 18. License:SIL Open Font License and Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. Brandico

15. Signify Lite

Number of icons: 38. License: Custom license (use in commercial projects permitted). Signify Lite

16. Web Symbols typeface

Number of icons: 78. License:SIL Open Font License. Web Symbols typeface

17. Social Media Icons

Number of icons: 74. License: Custom license (use in commercial projects permitted). Social Media Icons

18. ikoo

Number of icons: 65. License:Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. ikoo

Icon Font Resources

Below are some good icon-font-related articles and tutorials on the Web.

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