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B2C Marketing Tips

If you’re a B2C marketer, you know that getting consumers’ attention online is tough. Not only is the field competitive, but there’s a lot of chatter on the Internet.

In order to cut through the noise and rise above the other companies in your industry, you have to get creative.

Call 888-601-5359 to speak with a strategist about digital marketing services from WebFX, or keep reading for a few tips you can use to improve your existing marketing campaigns.

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What Is B2C Marketing?

Let’s first talk about what B2C marketing is. B2C stands for “business to consumer,” meaning that your company sells a product or service to individual people, and not to other businesses. This may seem like a minor distinction (after all—businesses are made up of individual people), but it should play a major role in how you approach your marketing strategy.

The needs of an individual are much different from the needs of a corporation. Consequently, all of your marketing efforts have to be geared with this in mind. You aren’t talking to a boardroom—you’re talking to a person.

B2C marketing best practices

Given that your company needs to be able to connect with individual people, the following best practices will help you make the most of all of your B2C marketing efforts.

Talk like a human being

Many B2C marketers make the mistake of writing in a way that’s too businesslike. Instead of creating content that will resound with the average consumer, they write as if they are speaking to other industry professionals.

If you write using confusing terms or language that comes off as “cold”, it simply won’t be convincing to potential customers. If you aren’t sure how to write in a way that would be understandable by the general public, hire a copy editor who doesn’t typically work within your industry.

Maintain an interesting blog

Blogs can be a terrific way to reach an audience, but only if you write interesting, compelling content. Again, think about who is going to be reading your posts. Do these people really need to know all the nitty gritty details of your industry, or do they just want to learn something new?

The more intriguing your content, the higher the chances of people coming back to your site and seeing you as an authority in your field.

Engage on social media

One of the biggest mistakes made by corporations is that their social media posts sound like they’ve been written by robots. Consider each social media post before hitting the “send” button. Does it sound like it was written by a person? Or is it just a reworded version of a marketing campaign?

After all, social media was designed to be social. Instead of using it to broadcast the same marketing messages you spread on other channels, use it to engage with current and potential customers. Talk to them, answer their questions, and show a more human side to your brand.

Provide useful information

Are there any parts of your industry that are unclear to the average consumer? Without giving away trade secrets, why not consider giving out an education to your prospective customers?

This can be in the form of an article, a video, an infographic, or a blog post. You’ll begin to be seen as a trustworthy source of information, rather than a company that’s unwilling to talk about what it does.

Talk about your pricing

Pricing is a huge consideration for any consumer, and when you openly discuss yours, you’ll be seen as honest. There’s absolutely no bait-and-switch, nor is there a question about whether the consumer can afford what you’re selling.

Many businesses, especially in the service industries, are hesitant to reveal their pricing structures. Yet keeping this data from the public can do more harm than good.

Make buying easy

If your buying process is too complicated, no prospect is going to spend the time to give you their hard-earned money. Count how many steps it takes for a customer to get from adding merchandise into his or her shopping cart and then checking out.

If there are any that could be condensed or eliminated, look for ways to do so. The easier

Add features where consumers can drive your content

This could be something as simple as including an area where customers can submit feedback on your products or services, or it could be a place where consumers add testimonials about their experiences with your company.

The more consumer-driven content you can generate, the more trust you’ll gain with other consumers.

Respond professionally and responsibly when you get negative feedback.

No business likes to deal with negative feedback, but it’s a part of the modern marketing world. If you get a negative message on your Facebook page, don’t immediately think that you have to delete it.

As long as it isn’t defamatory or profane, you can use it as an opportunity to reach out and show off your customer services skills. Be empathetic and see what you can do to resolve any issues. Even something as simple as an apology can go a long way toward showing that your business cares.

Add a live chat to your website

This is highly popular right now, and some consumers have come to expect it from web-based companies. Live chats are powerful ways to connect with customers who are potentially ready to but need assistance or have questions.

Why risk losing a sale? Capture their attention immediately and help them take steps towards becoming a customer.

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Want to improve your company’s marketing strategy?

The strategies above will help you attract customers and generate revenue for your B2C company, but if you’d like to take your marketing a step farther, WebFX can help. We’ll create a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy to help you grow your business using a variety of channels.

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us! One of our Internet marketing strategists will be more than happy to discuss how your business can reach and convert more customers.