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Rehab Lead Generation: 9 Tips for More Rehab Leads
Learn how to improve rehab lead generation with knowledgeable and empathetic approaches, like creating website content, email newsletters, quizzes, and more. View the full list now!
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When you run a rehabilitation center, you constantly need clients to fill your rooms and meet your admission goals. That’s why online lead generation is so important for rehab centers — it can help you reach more people and help more clients.
Your site can show potential clients what they stand to gain from entering your center, and encourage them to take the next steps towards doing just that. But generating new rehab leads isn’t as simple as just having a website — your entire digital marketing strategy should be designed to attract qualified traffic and convert that traffic into leads.
Learn how your center can build an effective rehab lead generation strategy online with the following tips, which don’t involve purchasing rehab leads. Instead, these strategies focus on attracting leads naturally.
For professional help with drug rehab lead generation, call 24 million to speak with a strategist about lead generation services from WebFX, or keep reading to learn about a few ways you can start generating more rehab leads for your center.
1. Create thorough content and gate it
Part of attracting leads to your rehab center is showing them that you’re a professional, dependable, and authoritative organization. If a potential client doubts any of those qualities, they probably won’t pursue you, and that means you just lost a conversion to your competition.
To make sure your potential clients can trust you, you should create thorough, informative content for them to read. The majority of this content should be openly available in the form of blog posts and articles. But you should make your best content available for download and placed behind a “gate.”
A “gate” is a form for your clients to complete that includes their name, email address, and possibly other pertinent information to your center. Once they submit that information, you have a qualified lead that you can contact later. Plus, your prospective client has additional information about your rehab center.
It’s important to note that when we say “thorough content,” we’re referring to going in-depth on a single subject and explaining it on a level that your potential clients can easily understand. The goal is to address any possible questions that someone may have while keeping your sentences and paragraphs concise. If you write long sentences and large paragraphs, there’s a good chance the wall of text will be too much for someone to read entirely, and that could turn prospects away.
Potential topics for gated content cover a wide range of possibilities, including the different addictions your center treats, your methodology for treating clients, how family can stay involved in treatment, and more. And once you complete it, you can give it a title that’ll attract attention, like How Family Is Involved in Treating Addiction, How to Tell If a Loved One Needs Help, or Why Addiction Treatment May Be Right for You.
Regardless of your choice, the content that you create should be genuinely useful and informative. When you successfully make it worth their while, they’ll be a much more qualified lead.
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2. Create landing pages
Landing pages are individual pages on your site that are dedicated to answering a question or explaining a concept. They are essential for search engine optimization (SEO), and they’re also great for attracting prospective clients from different backgrounds.
While they’re conceptually similar to your gated content, landing pages should offer enough information to keep someone interested while making them want more. They can run anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand words long, and you can include images, video, and interactives to break up the flow of text as needed. Regardless of how you choose to do it, your strategy should be the same — inform your potential clients, and make them want to know more.
Landing pages are also a great opportunity for you to create permanent pages regarding your facilities, company history, credentials, and more, allowing you to reassure potential rehab leads that you’re a qualified source for rehabilitation. Basically, if you think someone needs to know it, you should create a landing page about it.
A great way to find topics for landing pages is to research keywords that are relevant to your industry through different online tools, like the Google Keyword Planner. By looking up terms that are relevant to addiction treatment, you can find similar terms that people use to research rehabilitation centers in your area. If they’re relevant to your center specifically, you can write a page about them to attract new qualified leads.
Writing landing pages takes some time, but it’s a great way for you to expand your reach online for minimal (if any) cost. All you need is the information you already have, an hour or two, and a couple photos, and you can create a page that’ll continue to bring in qualified rehab leads long after you’ve created it.
3. Blog consistently
Today, every company should have a blog. While that means there are lots of blogs about the same topics, you can use blogging to your advantage to stand out against your competition when you do it well. It can establish your rehab center as an industry authority, and it’ll prove to your readers that you know rehabilitation better than anyone.
With that reputation, it’s easier for prospective clients to come to you when they’re ready for treatment. They may even contact you with additional questions or leave comments on different posts you write, both of which are often sources of qualified leads.
Blog topics can be similar to your gated content or landing pages, but they shouldn’t cover the same issues verbatim. Blogs are typically better for news, trends, staff introductions, lists of facts, and more. They don’t require you to go as in-depth as your downloadable content, but the more you write, the better chance your post will have of ranking well in search engine results, which is sure to drive traffic to your site.
However, blogging is easy to forget as part of your online rehab lead generation strategy. And you can’t achieve results overnight with just a couple of posts. The key to blogging effectively is to do it consistently.
Consistent blogging lets readers know when you’ll publish your next post. This regularity means they remember exactly when to go to your site for new content to learn about something new. It also makes search engines like Google read and index your site more often, which helps get your new content into search results quickly after it’s published.
On the other hand, sporadic blogging can leave readers confused and frustrated, which turns your potential leads to your competition. You can bet that one of your competitors is blogging, and if you don’t do it too, you’ll fall behind.
4. Make quizzes
Quizzes are a fun way to get site visitors to engage with your content. You can create multiple-choice quizzes based around addiction, when to seek help for someone, and more. And while that may sound like a risky undertaking, especially since it could be considered a consultation, a brief disclaimer on your website that you’re not advising anyone can legally protect you.
In addition, you can add a call to action to the end of your quizzes with all of your contact information. That way, you engage your prospects in a fun and open medium while encouraging them to reach out.
Quizzes should be brief, and their questions should relate to the quiz taker — not your rehabilitation center. By focusing on your prospective client, they can feel more comfortable and fill out their quiz honestly. They may also feel better about contacting you directly since you’re the authority that made the quiz in the first place.
After all, if you know enough to create a test, you must know what you’re doing.
5. Use pop-ups
Pop-ups can sometimes be annoying, but when used well, they can generate a lot of rehab leads for your center. When you create a pop-up, it should be laid over a visitor’s current page with an offer, a form field, and buttons that allow them to submit information or close the pop-up. That way, your readers can easily accept your terms or go back to their original page without any problem.
Adding an option to decline your offer may feel counter-intuitive when you want to get the email addresses of qualified leads, but it’s actually important. If someone is visiting your site just to read what you post, then they don’t want to sign up for emails. And if you don’t have a way for them to say no, you won’t force them to sign up — you’ll force them to leave your site. Worse yet, they’ll have a negative impression of your rehab center for trying to rope them into an email subscriber list.
You can avoid all of those negative impressions and sentiment with a simple button to say “no thanks.”
In terms of placement, you can add pop-ups to your blog posts, landing pages, quizzes, and other content that’s on your site. Generally, you don’t have to worry about your homepage, about page, or contact page since those either don’t reflect qualified leads or already include a way for a person to get in touch with you.
In terms of structure, pop-ups should have an eye-catching headline, form fields for a prospect’s name and email address, and a brief summary of what and when they can expect to hear from you. Laying out this information in one pop-up is difficult, but you can do it if you make every word count. If you find a word that doesn’t add to your pop-up’s message, delete it to stay concise.
Good headlines typically include brief facts or compelling questions, like “How much do you know about addiction?” A summary should be no more than two sentences long, like “Sign up today to receive new information on addiction and treatment!” And your form fields should ask for a name and email with a button that says something similar to “Sign me up!”
While the above is just an example, it can lay out the template for your pop-up so that you drive conversions to your site instead of driving prospects away. But still, pop-ups are just one part of a much larger marketing tactic that you can also use to your advantage.
6. Utilize opt-in marketing
Opt-in marketing is any form of marketing that asks customers to submit their name, email address, and other information so they can hear from you later. Pop-ups are a specialized form of opt-in marketing, but opt-in strategies cover so much more to help you build a list of qualified leads.
Your homepage should be informational at its core, but you can also add form fields to it for names and email addresses. While not every person that looks at your homepage is a qualified lead, you can add form fields to the top of the page for those people that want more information. This tactic is more passive than a pop-up, and it also allows unqualified leads to continue looking at your site without taking up valuable space on your subscriber list.
Beyond your homepage, you can also have opt-in fields in the footers of your regular pages — or at least links to your “contact us” page. This makes it easy for site visitors to enjoy all of the information that your pages offer without interruption, but they can still get in touch with you when they’re done reading.
Plus, if someone is already reading your site for information, they probably want more to know more. Using a contact field at the bottom of your page helps them get more.
Through the use of opt-in marketing, you can create a list of interested parties who are interested in your center and how it works. This gives you a golden opportunity to encourage conversions and face-to-face consultations through another essential online marketing strategy.
7. Engage your prospects with email marketing
Email marketing has one of the highest ROIs in the industry. It’s also incredibly useful to your recipients since they’re the ones who signed up for your email blasts in the first place. But when you use email marketing as a drug rehab lead generation strategy, there are still a few rules you have to follow for success.
First, you need a good subject line on every email. An email with a bad subject line is like a news article with a bad headline — nobody will read it if it doesn’t catch their attention. Your subject needs to engage as many readers as possible right away to get them to open your message.
Next, the body of your email should have concise language that’s either informative — showing your authority — or action-oriented — encouraging conversions. Regardless of what you choose, the text needs to engage the reader to get them through the whole message. You can also include small images that are optimized for email to break up your text.
After your body text, your email should encourage conversions by having readers contact you directly to set up an appointment, tour, consultation, or other meeting. While that gets you face-to-face with prospects, it gives you a chance to learn more about them and speak to them in specifics. You can also field questions from prospects at the same time.
Last, every email you send should have a link somewhere that allows the users to unsubscribe from future blasts. That may seem counter-intuitive again, like including a “no thanks” button on pop-ups, but it prevents your rehab center from becoming associated with spam. Plus, if someone doesn’t want to hear from you anymore, they’re not a qualified lead. Continuing to contact them is a waste of time on your part and a huge annoyance on theirs.
The catch for email marketing is that it’s never a once-and-done ordeal. You should test emails for the most effective subject lines and conversions so that you’re constantly increasing the odds that you’ll gain new clients.
You can track your email tests yourself, or you can use email marketing software like MyEmailFX to do the work for you. For many software options, you can even set up separate campaigns depending on where someone signed up to receive your emails.
For example, if they signed up on your homepage, you can send prospects general information emails. If they signed up on a landing page, you can send emails that pertain to the same subject as the landing page. And if they signed up on a blog post, you can send more information on future posts. Regardless of your choice, you’re nurturing your leads and increasing the chances that an email recipient will become a client.
8. Use social media
Social media is an incredible tool for marketing any institution, mostly because it gives you the chance to talk to your audience and engage them on a personal level. While you should never discuss treatment options or someone’s needs via social media, you can still use different networks to promote your website, blog posts, staff, and other elements of your center. You can also tell prospects who ask you questions to contact you directly, improving the odds that you can get a face-to-face meeting with them.
In terms of options, you have dozens of different social networks at your fingertips. Some of them work better for certain content than others, but they all allow you to reach and engage prospective clients that you otherwise would’ve missed.
Facebook is the most popular social network, and it’s easy to create a page for your rehab center. Once you’re using it, Facebook tends to work well for showing off your facilities, personnel, and events that your center holds. While you have to be selective about who and what you show in your images, when used properly and ethically, Facebook is a great way for potential clients to see how you operate day-to-day.
Twitter is the next most popular network, and its concise form of communication makes it great for promoting blog posts and other content on your site. The average tweet has a fairly short lifespan, but once you tweet a link to something you made, it’s out there forever. Twitter is also helpful since it attracts a different user base than Facebook, so you can diversify your audience and reach more people on more networks.
Pinterest gives you the opportunity to find a few interesting tidbits online and “pin” them to your account, allowing your followers to see what you’ve collected since you started using the site. This network is great for inspirational photos, quotes, and more that are directed toward recovery or happier days ahead. You can also post infographics or other visual content that you create.
There are other options available that can each serve their own niche, including YouTube videos of your facilities and Instagram photos of practically anything at your center. But Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are three of the most successful social media platforms for marketing.
Still, if you want to make social media — and every other marketing initiative — work to your advantage, you need to include one crucial quality in everything you do.
9. Write compelling calls to action
Calls to action are the perfect endings to any piece of content you create, including graphics, blog posts, emails, landing pages, and even your homepage. Calls to action compel the reader to do something that moves them closer to becoming a client, whether that’s contacting you directly or following you on social media. In everything you do with your online presence, you should have an idea for what you want visitors to do when they’re done reading — and that should be reflected in the call to action.
Writing successful calls to action is easy to do, but difficult to master. First, they need to include actionable, simple verbs so you can appeal to a wide variety of people. They should also include links to pages that make it easy to complete the task you want them to do. Last, they should somehow stand out against the rest of your page, typically with an eye-catching color (like red or yellow) or a large button.
Calls to action are critical to conversions since they plainly lay out what a prospective client should do next. If you don’t use calls to action, you won’t be able to get the conversions that you want since most clients won’t know what to do. And when you do use them, your readers will listen.
Because online conversions are so important to the success of rehabilitation centers, you should test your calls to action on every page. Similar to testing your email’s headlines and clicks, you can create different calls to action, A/B test them, and see which performs better. As you eliminate possibilities, you can get start earning more qualified leads by optimizing your conversion rate.
Last, whenever you create a call to action, you should only include one action that a customer should take. Phrases like “Contact us or continue reading our site” give the reader an out, and they may not do either since you gave them the option of both. Direct, concise, and single-option calls to action work best, and the stronger you can phrase them, the better they’ll work for you.
Attract more rehab leads with digital marketing
If you’re too busy running your rehabilitation center to start using these rehab lead generation strategies, WebFX is here to help.
We’re a full-service Internet marketing firm that knows everything about SEO, email marketing, conversion optimization, and more so you can get the results that you need to help your rehabilitation center grow.
When you partner with us, your success becomes our success — and that’s why we’ll work our hardest to fill the rooms of your rehab center.
Are you ready to get more clients for your rehab center? Contact us today to start getting qualified rehab leads online!
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