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8 Expert Digital Marketing Optimization Tips to Follow

You’ve written the blog posts. You’ve launched the ads. Your digital marketing is up and running — but somehow, it still isn’t driving the results you want from it.

What can you do to improve it? Digital marketing can be a complex process. You must optimize for so many factors, from user preferences to Google algorithms.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

There are a few different ways you can optimize digital marketing to drive better results. So, what are those ways?

We’ll explore several digital marketing optimization tips below, so read on to learn more.

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8 digital marketing optimization tips

Digital marketing can be divided up into many strategies, and each one requires its own tactics to drive success.

But there are a few things you can do to benefit your digital marketing across the board, and we’ll cover them below. Here are eight digital marketing tips to help you drive up your revenue!

1. Know your audience

One of the most critical things to do in your marketing is to know your audience. If you don’t know who you’re marketing to, you won’t drive the best results with your campaigns.

Knowing your audience means more than just saying “middle-aged American adults” or something similarly vague.

You need to examine your existing customer base to determine exactly what types of people buy your products or use your services.

Look at demographics like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Location

From there, you can use the information you find to create buyer personas, or hypothetical examples of the kinds of people you want to target.

One example might be “Jane, a 46-year-old teacher in Louisville, Kentucky.” Ultimately, knowing your audience will help you create content that appeals specifically to those people.

2. Focus on search intent

When people come to your site and engage with your content, it’s important not only to know who they are, but why they’re there.

In other words, you need to focus on user search intent. Let’s say you’re writing a blog post on your site and targeting the keyword “what do roofing companies do.”

Before you write the piece, you should look up that keyword to see what’s currently ranking. That will tell you what sort of information users are looking to find. By writing your content to appeal to search intent, you’ll have a much easier time drawing in users.

That, in turn, will vastly improve digital marketing results for your company.

3. Use multiple strategies

One thing you’ll want to avoid doing is limiting yourself to a single strategy. If all you use is email marketing, it may still benefit you, but you’ll be missing out on all the traffic you could be getting from other channels, like  search engine optimization (SEO) or social media.

That’s not to say you must tackle every strategy from step one. You can start off with a single strategy until you have it up and running.

But in the long run, you can benefit much more from having multiple strategies working for you. It’s a good idea to pursue several — or possibly all — of the following strategies:

With numerous strategies driving results for you at once, you’ll see more revenue coming in each month.

4. Brand yourself

In all your marketing, branding is incredibly important. Everything from your ads to your emails should reflect your brand’s unique identity. You want people to remember you, but without branding, your marketing won’t be memorable to your audience.

One easy way to brand yourself is with visuals.

You can use color schemes and font styles to convey a particular look and feel. You can also rely on things like word choice.

Do you want to sound professional and prestigious?

Or fun and laid-back? Whichever it is, convey it with your branding.

5. Be mobile-friendly

Did you know that over 50% of all Internet traffic comes through mobile devices? Furthermore, Google uses a mobile-first index, meaning it ranks sites based on their mobile format. For both of those reasons, all your digital marketing should be mobile-friendly.

This mainly pertains to your website, but mobile-friendliness will improve digital marketing across the board.

Your paid ad landing pages, your emails, your SEO content — all of it must be optimized for desktop and mobile alike.

An excellent way to create mobile-friendly web pages is to use responsive design, which restructures pages to fit the screen where they appear.


Example of a responsive website on desktop   samsung homepage mobile 568x1024

6. Keep your content simple and useful

Another way to optimize digital marketing is to keep all your content simple and useful for your audience. Your audience should find your content useful, whether it’s providing a piece of information about your industry that they want or telling prospects why they should buy your products.

Whatever it is, make sure it serves a clear purpose and provides helpful information. Furthermore, ensure that you keep your marketing materials relatively simple.

Use general language and make sure your content is easy to read, whether it’s on your website or on a landing page. 

7. Utilize remarketing

Remarketing — the practice of marketing to people who have already visited your site — is a valuable tool for generating conversions.

You can do remarketing through email, paid ads, and social media ads.  When you target your marketing toward people who have already expressed a clear interest in your company, you have a much better chance of persuading them to buy from you.

That’s particularly true of people who have already started the purchase process.

8. Track key analytics

The last of our digital marketing tips is to track valuable analytics in all your campaigns. Maybe it’s click-through rate (CTR) on your paid ads, or traffic on your website. Whatever analytics are most relevant to a given strategy, be sure to keep up with them.

Your analytics show you how your marketing performs.

In the case of underperforming campaigns, you can reoptimize them to drive better results. Successful campaigns, meanwhile, show you what works best, allowing you to emulate it in other areas.

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WebFX can improve digital marketing for your business

Ready to give your digital marketing the boost it’s been needing? WebFX can help!

We’re a leading digital marketing solutions provider and the best Atlanta digital marketing agency. With over 28 years of experience, we know just what it takes to optimize digital marketing, and we’d love to show you what we can do.

With our digital marketing services, you’ll get help implementing each of the digital marketing tips listed above — and more! You’ll also gain access to a dedicated representative who will work closely with you on every part of your marketing.

To get started with us, just give us a call at 888-601-5359 or contact us online today!

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