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Skyrocket Your Social Media Conversion Rate in Just 3 Steps [+ 5 Conversion Tactics]

Social media conversion rate is important — a matter of fact, it’s the very metric that makes your social media efforts worthwhile. Although there are other important metrics you can look at to determine the success of your social media marketing efforts, like engagement, keeping track of your social media conversion rate will give you insight into how your social profiles directly affect your company’s sales. Your social media conversion rate can give insight into how your social profiles affect sales. But there are a lot of questions to be asked when it comes to social media conversion rates, and one of the most common is how to improve it. In this post, we’ll cover how you can increase your social media conversions to make your campaign more fruitful for your company.

If you’d like to speak with a specialist about social media marketing, feel free to contact us online or give us a call at 888-601-5359.

How to build the perfect social media conversion strategy for higher social conversion rates

What is social media conversion rate anyway? Well, it just happens to be one of the most important metrics to your social media campaign because it reflects the percentage of consumers who purchase your products or services by way of your social platforms. Social media “buzz” is always a great way to improve your brand awareness, but if you want real, quantifiable results that increase your company’s revenue year over year, measuring your conversion rate on social media platforms is crucial.

Before we dive into how you can improve your social media conversion rate, let’s talk about your prerequisite checklist. You should follow these steps to ensure your social conversion strategy is ready for optimization.

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1. Set specific goals

Without setting specific goals for your social media conversion strategy, you won’t have a solid benchmark for success. Are you already semi-satisfied with your conversion rate? Maybe you opt to increase your social media conversions by 10% instead of 50%.

If you’re truly unhappy with your social conversion rate, however, you may want to set a goal of increasing conversions by 50% or higher. Setting concrete goals give you a better idea of the work involved and how much it will cost (if you’re hiring an agency). Not to mention, it’ll help you structure your plan of attack when it comes to strategies involved with increasing your social media conversion rate.

2. Set a budget

Cap your ad spend to keep yourself from overspending while still allowing you to target important keywords Before getting started with your social media conversion strategy. One of the best ways to increase conversions on your website is to opt for social media ads. Although pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on social channels is one of the most cost-effective strategies out there, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a concrete budget in place. Putting a cap on your ad spend will keep you from overspending in the long run and help you to hone in on the keywords that mean the most to your unique business.

3. Map out your strategy

Without a map, it’s hard to create a successful social media conversion rate strategy. Why? It’s hard to get anywhere without a little direction.

This is part of the reason why setting your goals was the very first step. To create a social conversion strategy that works for you, read on to learn about how you can increase your conversion rate on social platforms. From there, you’ll be able to decide what strategies fit your unique niche, prioritize them in order of importance, and before you know it, you’ll have the perfect social media conversion strategy in front of you.

Crush your typical social media conversion rates with these 5 tactics

If you find yourself asking how you can increase your social media conversions, these five strategies are here to skyrocket your social media conversion rate.

1. Create social ads that target your ideal audience

Although you may have many goals for your social media marketing campaign, like increasing brand awareness or engagement, your biggest goal is likely to guide users to your website and entice them to purchase your products and services.

One of the best ways to get users to visit your site and make a purchase is to place ads for your products on social platforms. When users click on your social media ads, they’ll arrive at a landing page, which is where you can work your sales magic. You can target your ideal audience by demographic, with keywords, and even by user intent and profession.

With these kinds of targeting options, you’ll be able to dangle your ads in front of the audience that will most likely act on them.

2. Optimize your landing pages like you never have before

When users click on your social media ads, they arrive at a landing page. A landing page can essentially make or break a sale, so you must optimize it properly. Your landing page should have a few qualities to ensure success: Landing page optimizations to ensure success for social conversions

  • An image of the product that was in your ad: When users click on an ad, they don’t want to see a more expensive version, a smaller version, or a different product altogether — they clicked to see the exact product that appeared in the ad.
  • Product specifications and details: Explanations should include product dimensions, color options, size options, product materials, and more.
  • Product applications: Landing pages can also include a quick blurb about your project that appeals to shoppers’ emotions and explains how it will benefit them directly.
  • The price of the product: You should always provide the price of the product — without a price, users may bounce from the landing page since it doesn’t give all the information necessary to convert.
  • An effective call to action (CTA): A CTA is what convinces users to take the next step in the conversion funnel and what should ultimately lead them to convert. Your CTA should be easy to understand, easy to find, and use direct, exciting verbiage like “Take me to checkout,” “I have to have this!” or “I want to know more!”.
  • Mobile-friendliness: One of the most important qualities of a landing page is that it’s mobile-friendly. Four out of five Americans are online shoppers, and more than half of those shoppers convert on mobile devices. If your landing page doesn’t look seamless on mobile, you could lose over half of your sales.

3. Use video in your ads

Video is all the rage these days, and when you use them in your social media ads, you can wave hello to higher social media conversion rates. Not only do social media videos generate 12 times more shares (more opportunities for a whole new audience to see your posts), but a staggering 64% of consumers purchase after watching branded social videos. Example of a video ad

4. A/B test your ads

To have the highest social media conversion rate possible, it’s crucial that you A/B test your ads and landing pages. A/B tests allow you to serve two different variations of your ads or landing pages to your customers to measure which one is more successful. When you run these kinds of tests, also called split tests, you can rest assured that you’re always providing users with the most effective ad possible and driving the most conversions along with it.

5. Take advantage of user-generated content

When you find customers that absolutely love your brand and show it off on their social accounts, take advantage by reposting it on your account. These posts that users create are known as user-generated content, and it’s essentially free advertising for your brand. example of a brand sharing user-generated content Not to mention, 55% of consumers of all ages trust user-generated content over other forms of marketing.

Utilizing free advertising from your most loyal customers is one of the best ways to increase your social media conversion rate.

How can you increase social media conversions? Work with a trusted agency — WebFX

When you work with a trusted social media advertising agency like WebFX, you can rest assured that your social media conversion rate is in the best of hands. WebFX is home to conversion rate optimization experts who will get to know your business and your goals, and help you create the ideal social media campaign to increase social media conversion rate.

If you’re ready to increase your conversion rate for social media, feel free to contact us online, or give us a call at 888-601-5359!