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The Ultimate Digital Marketing Bucket List for Summer 2024

Summer brings relaxing days of lounging in the sun, sipping lemonade, and going for a swim — but it’s also the perfect time to keep striving for your goals. At WebFX, we want to be 1% better every day, and summer’s the prime time to continue that mantra!

As the warm weather rejuvenates you and your team, you’ll return to your computers refreshed and ready to tackle your goals. To give you some ideas for what you can accomplish this summer, we compiled this digital marketing bucket list.

We’ve got marketing goal ideas for every aspect of digital marketing:

It’s the ultimate online marketing bucket list. Keep reading for some inspiration to take back to your marketing team!

checklist of bucket list items

SEO goal ideas

Checklist of SEO bucket list items

SEO is critical to any digital marketing strategy, so why not take these summer months to elevate your site’s optimization? Our favorite SEO goal ideas are:

1. Earn five links from DA 75+ sites

While optimizing your site’s content plays a vital role in your SEO strategy — and we’ll cover that next — off-page factors also influence your rankings. Because search engines want to rank authoritative sites, earning relevant backlinks from high-quality sites can boost your rankings.

2. Re-optimize 10 old pages for updated search intent

To rank highly, you need to match search intent, but did you know search intent can evolve over the years and according to recent events?

Evaluate pages that aren’t performing as well as you’d hoped — or dropped in organic rankings — and consider whether they still match the search intent. If not, re-optimize this content to drive more results from existing content!

3. Rank for five featured snippets

Featured snippets are prime SEO real estate, populating above the organic results. Search engines include a featured snippet for 12% of searches, so use these opportunities to optimize for that top placement!

4. Find 50 new SEO keyword opportunities

Keywords lay the foundation for SEO. To rank in the search results, you need to know the keywords your audience uses. Spend some time researching new keywords that align with your business goals this summer!

5. Optimize title tags for 30 existing pages

While appearing high on the search results is fantastic, you need those searchers to click on your site to drive results. Focus on increasing your organic click-through rate (CTR) to drive more traffic to your site, and one of the best ways to achieve that goal is by optimizing your title tags for clicks.

PPC goal ideas

PPC bucket list items

SEO’s partner in crime is PPC. Together, these two strategies will help you dominate the search results anytime someone searches for keywords related to your business. To boost your PPC strategy, check out these goal ideas:

6. Research negative keywords to add to your campaigns

Google Ads determines which PPC ads they show based on the ad’s Quality Score and bid. A major aspect of your Quality Score is the ad’s expected CTR, which means your ad needs to be highly relevant to the searchers.

Even if you have well-chosen keywords, you can further refine your ad’s targeting by including negative keywords that don’t apply to your business. This optimization strategy ensures your ad only appears in relevant searches, leading to a higher Quality Score, which can also lower your cost per click (CPC).

7. Test five new messages or ad headlines

A successful PPC strategy requires regular optimization, but 72% of companies go a month or more without revisiting their campaigns.

If you want to stay a step ahead of your competition, don’t stop after initiating your campaigns. Continually test new messages or headlines to see what drives the best results!

8. Test three new ad extensions

Ad extensions increase your Google Ads CTR by 10-15% on average. If you want to improve your PPC performance, test a few relevant ad extensions!

9. Test two new landing page designs or elements

To increase your PPC conversion rate, you need conversion-optimized landing pages. Ensure your landing pages drive the most conversions possible by testing new designs or elements.

Social media marketing goal ideas

Social media marketing bucket list items

While everyone enjoys a relaxing summer — and takes to social media to share about it — make sure your company gets in on the fun! Take some social media marketing goal inspiration from these three ideas:

10. Launch a social media poll

Social media is a two-way conversation, so let your followers know you want to hear from them by launching a social media poll. Not only will this tactic increase your social media engagement, but it can also provide invaluable insight into your target audience.

11. Share five user-generated content (UGC) posts

Speaking of engagement, encourage UGC to show your audience that you value hearing from them — and when they create the UGC, share it. When you share your UGC, you increase trust, as 92% of people trust consumer recommendations more than brand content.

12. Create a social media contest

Social media contests are an excellent way to engage your audience and help everyone have some fun! Plus, as users enter your contest and talk about it on their accounts, you’ll increase your reach, helping grow brand awareness.

13. Share two TikTok videos

Is your audience on TikTok? If so, take advantage of the platform’s incredible growth — eight people join TikTok every second — and create a couple of TikTok videos this summer! The format is also similar to Instagram Reels, so you can cross-post and gain more value from your content.

Email marketing goal ideas

Email marketing bucket list items

If you want to focus on a digital marketing strategy with a high return on investment (ROI) this summer, look no further than email marketing. This tactic can carry a 4400% ROI — impressive, right? Check out these goal ideas for email marketing inspiration:

14. Add three new email sign-up locations

First up on our email marketing bucket list is giving your audience more opportunities to sign up for your email list. If you want to earn more subscribers, ensure people have the chance to sign up no matter where they enter your site.

15. Run an A/B subject line test

Once people sign up, you need them to open your emails to see the high-quality content you’ve created for them inside. The subject line determines whether 47% of people open your email, so test your subject lines to optimize them and improve your open rate.

16. Add a video to your email newsletter

A critical success metric for your email marketing campaigns is how many clicks they generate. You want subscribers to engage with your content once they open it, and videos are a tried and tested way to increase clicks — they’ve even been shown to double or triple email clicks!

17. Revamp or create a new email newsletter template

To drive the most engagement from your emails, ensure your templates are updated and optimized for clicks. Evaluate your existing templates to see if any could use a refresh. If you don’t yet have an email template, create one to keep your emails beautiful and consistent.

18. Create two new email segments

Segmenting your email list can drive a 760% increase in revenue. If your list isn’t segmented yet, create those segments! If it already is, check your stats to see if your emails are performing as you’d like. If not, consider testing new email segments to see if they drive better results.

19. Launch two automated drip campaigns

Email drip campaigns nurture your leads down the sales funnel by sending them a targeted, automated series of emails based on their past interactions with your business and when they signed up.

Personalized email messaging can lead to six times higher transaction rates, so try this personalization tactic this summer!

Content marketing goal ideas

Content marketing bucket list items

At WebFX, we love a great content marketing strategy. It generates 54% more leads and costs 62% less than traditional marketing — talk about incredible ROI potential! To improve your content marketing strategy, check out these four ideas for content marketing goal inspiration:

20. Start a blog, or publish 10 new blog posts

Did you know that company blogs can help you drive a 67% increase in monthly leads? Take advantage of this incredible benefit by starting a blog or prioritizing your blog if you already have one.

21. Create two new videos

Including videos on your pages can keep users on the page for 88% longer. Videos are a great way to generate more engagement and communicate information in a fresh way.

22. Create an infographic

Speaking of communicating information in a fresh, engaging way, you can also create infographics to generate more links and shares. Visuals engage more people — likely because 65% of people are visual learners.

Team growth goal ideas

Team growth bucket list items

No digital marketing bucket list would be complete without a focus on team growth. At WebFX, our motto is to be 1% better every day. To that end, your team might set goals like:

23. Read five digital marketing books

Sharpen your marketing knowledge by hitting the books! You might read the same books and discuss as a team, or encourage everyone to choose their favorites and share what they learned with everyone else.

24. Earn a new industry certificate

One look online will reveal the many digital marketing tools available, and most of them offer courses and certification programs to help you master them.

Research the most useful digital marketing certifications for your team, and consider completing the program to add a new tool to your arsenal!

25. Attend a webinar or industry conference

The summer is the perfect time to travel to that industry conference you’ve been eyeing for a while.

But if business travel isn’t on your docket this year, find a webinar to attend from the comfort of your home. Many experts host excellent content online, so anyone can access this learning opportunity!

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